If this:
http://www.bushflash.com/year.html doesn't convince you that voting for Bush in the next election is the worst thing you could do, well I think you've lost your mind.
Please I urge you in November to get involved in the democratic process of our great country. We are in need of a serious overhaul. We need to elect people that will NOT give the wealthiest 1% of Americans 51% of a major tax break over 10 years, that will help build our relationship with the international community back to what it was, that will make health care affordable to ALL Americans, that will not create Constitutional amendments limiting a person's right to be with whomever they choose, to preserve the reproductive rights of women, that will punish companies that move bases overseas to avoid taxes and exploit cheap labor, to create economic stimulus and resotre the middle class and the idea of the American Dream. And finally, elect someone who DID NOT allow the Bin Laden family to leave the US after 9/11 without even questioning them to see if they knew where Osama is/was.
Its time for change.