I'm at shiima's place, again, once more before school starts....I'm really scared about it this year....I'll start highschool and I don't know too many people in the new school so that is kind of,....unnerving
I like ruki again, damn gazette with the new single....he's back to blond and shiny and....I'll stop here *laughs* I'm happy that he has his neck stripes on again, though....and the song is beautiful, obviously, maybe even better than naraku...I hope someone will translate the lyrics soon...
I miss Japan so much....I'm dreaming every night that I'm back there, but the dream tonight left me particularly empty *sighs* I heard about a french organization that has a really nice project...you get to stay two months in tokyo at a guest house and take japanese courses...I think I'm going in two years, since it's only 2500 euro. For two months in tokyo, that's really cheap.
I'm also really getting into gyaru...no, I won't start listening to jpop and techno, it's just the fashion *laughs* I really love it...
I'm sorry I didn't post in a long while, but I just waasn't in the mood....I didn't comment much either, sorry...