Things Looking up... Sort of

Aug 02, 2005 20:47

Well I'm on the mend. My lips still turn all shades of blue, but my nose is not running like a leaky faucet.

My mom is not swollen up, but she is still not completely out of the woods since they still have no clue what is setting off the allergies.

I went to the BSB concert on Saturday night after the whole ER debacle at my mom's insistence (there was no returning the tickets, I was going or I was dead according to her). The concert was AMAZING!!! Despite the fact I had to take my inhaler multiple times, take medications in between opening acts, and be bundled up at a beach. The actual show was great. They performed for two and a half hours, and sounded really good. It was definitely interesting to see that the few little kids who were there (age range was mainly 16 and older)looked so lost during the old hits like "Everybody" and "Quit Playing Games," that it amazed me they were there. Plus the older couples dancing together during all the romantic songs, and just general dancing everywhere to the music. Even I managed to clap along, standing up (my knees didn't hurt once the whole time they performed). The show was so good I'm seriously considering going with the girl who got the tickets for the Jones Beach show to see them in Pennsylvannia for a road trip before returning to Fredonia.

All right time to lay down. I fell down a flight of stairs yesterday and I'm really badly bruised.
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