Jul 16, 2008 11:14
"whatever happens do not allow yourself to be captured, a million men sleep soundly tonight, but soon they will crash upon stormy shores. their ascension must be kept secret, do not let their crusade be cut short, do not let those brave men fall stricken and sink into the sea, living just long enough to watch as the life inside them seeps out and dyes the channel red, red like the flags that now hang over our homes, let them be lifted, let them be burned. through calais will come our liberation, let the resistance know." her eyes opened wide, facing upwards at the night sky, a thousand worlds shone down at her crying out to be be saved, faintly signaling out to the universe that they too were starved for deliverance. she closed her eyes tight once again knowing that tonight she could only save one. the bridge was only a few kilometers up the road now, soon her task would be done. a small creek ran along the road, she decided to walk along its edge and let it lead her to destination. a cool breeze picked up from out of the north, dark clouds began to shift around in the atmosphere soaking up stars and darkening the sky. like vast nebulous armies swooping in and veering out of the horizons, constantly fighting for control over the cosmos. the moon peered out from the celestial battlefield and silver light shone down upon the countryside. she loved the moon and its white waxy light but tonight it was her enemy, like a prison camp spotlight it singled her out against the shoreline. like the lifting of a dark curtain she suddenly realized just how exposed she had become. she could clearly see in all directions for many meters and her fearful imagination soon began to work its way into her reality. every bush became a german shepherd hot on her scent. every rounded rock that caught the moonlight became a wehrmacht helmet standing tall over her uncovered position. every twig was a land mine under her feet, its brittle crack echoed out in the cold air. her hand crept into her left hand pocket, a single cyanide pill rolled around her fingertips, it bounded off her knuckles and stuck to the sweaty cracks in her palms. the bridge was in sight now, it was made of grey stone and arced perfectly over the small stream. underneath it was dark and nothing could be seen in the shadows, she decided to crawl the rest of the way. little burs dug into her slacks, muddy water poured into her boots and she feared that their sloshing would give her away, she left them. she was within feet of her destination now, the musky smell of moss growing on the underside of the bridge tickled her nostrils, little cataracts danced over the rocks and caught the moonlight one more time before they trickled under the overpass, she entered darkness. her bare feet ambled over rocks and dirt as she made her way to the very middle of the bridge, she bit her lip every time her toes would stub against an unseen stone. she reached the center and stood still, her heart raced as she gnawed at her nail beds, sweat beaded down her cheek. soon she would be free, soon her people would be free, with the deliverance of her message the liberation of france will ensue. the resistance will pave the way for the allied invasion, like a great wind they will sweep away the nazi plague. german soldiers will raise their arms high in surrender and paris will laugh and rejoice, the french will be free again. and as the wind blew across the water and a cool mist beaded in her hair, she took in a deep breath and sang "Allons enfants de la Patrie, le jour de gloire est arrivé. Contre nous de la tyrannie, l'étendard sanglant est levé." her voice echoed against rock and water and all was still. she sang it once more, this time a little louder, still she stood as she waited for a reply. but none came. she became anxious in her waiting and began to wonder if her contact will ever come. the sound of rock bounding off rock broke the silence, jagged stone against jagged stone reverberated throughout the cave like overpass, someone was behind her. from the shadows a faint but proud voice sang "Entendez-vous dans les campagnes mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras, egorger nos fils, nos compagnes." "sons and wives" she repeated. innocent lives wasted and lost, cut down in their own streets by nazi occupiers. with eyes still open they're left broken and twisted, staring up at the summer sky one last time before they're trampled faceless under SS boots. her contact had arrived. she found him in the shadows and took him by the hand. his fingers were sticky and his grip was weak, the smell of blood was all around him. she leaned in closer to try and find some source of the bleeding. his breathing was heavy and clotted blood gargled in his throat, he groaned in pain as bloodied coughs bellowed from his pierced lungs. as if from nowhere a hand grasped her sleeve from the shadows, the man pulled her close and with his last heave of a breath he whispered, "piège". and before the last droning of his wheezing subsided and he expired a blinding light wiped away all darkness and lit her up against the night, headlights. panic overcame her, frozen she stood too terrified to run, the silhouettes of soldiers moved into the light, their faceless shadows drew closer as she plunged her fist into her left hand pocket. dropping the mans tattered shell she started to run away from the darkened invaders, the little pill danced and evaded her clutches, she broke out into the night. boots splashed and waded quickly behind her, the screams of german voices fell sharp and shrill upon her ears as she opened her feet upon the waterside of the now turbulent stream. catching the capsule within her clammy clasp she brought her fist to her mouth and opened it wide. but before she could thrust the pellet down her throat she felt a striking blow fall hard on the back of her head. she could feel the blood running warm down her neck, as she collapsed to the ground she rolled onto her back. with eyes still open she lay broken and twisted, staring up at the summer night sky one last time before she was trampled faceless under SS boots.