Dec 23, 2007 22:09
Guanine and Cytosine, Adenine and Thymine, fitted together in perfect combination, fallen into place like perfect pieces to a perfect puzzle. Cardboard cut outs of rounded shapes, balled and budding out from their rectangular borders, each one with a counterpart, each one with a purpose. Jig saw puzzle pieces destined for one another, existing only to find each other and complete a greater picture, to find a higher form of existence. A design that cannot be accomplished alone, life’s answer to singularity, life’s answer to life. Building blocks. Base pairs. On the nights when i would wake up cold, in a shiver, you would get the comforter up off the floor, find me in darkness and make me warm again. On the nights when we would keep each other up late you would love me more than anyone has ever loved me before. On the nights where I would wake up at three AM to your lips against the back of my neck I would pretend to still be asleep, but if your wall were a mirror and if the moon was out that night, you would see me smile and you would know that I was happier in that moment than I had ever been. On the nights when you fell asleep first I would always look down at us, never knowing where my limbs ended and yours began, a double helix, held together by invisible fibers, interlocked and twisted into one another, combined in a hundred billion microscopic amalgamations, each one coding for a different reason why I love you.