Jan 04, 2011 14:01
does anyone know if there is a way to link your livejournal up with facebook? i would like to use livejournal mostly, but it would be cool if people on my facebook could see when i had posted.
anyway, we got the gorgeous purple sofas. soooo much bigger than i had thought. they are curved in a sort of kidney shape, but at their longest point they are both NINE feet. right now the only place to fit both of them is in our living room (which is really used as a living room *and* dining room, one open space). so basically the room is nothing but sofa right now. the blessing is that also from these auctions tony has got lots of shelving, so he is currently working on organizing his shop in the garage. once that is worked out, eventually that make our downstairs available again, and not just a storage area. then we can move one of those massive sofas down there, along with the purple chase lounge. it will make a lovely den and a good space for inviting people over for viewing parties and such. i'm so excited!
tony also found a kit for re-surfacing our kitchen counters. have you every seen the Brady Bunch? notice their 70's fabulous kitchen with dark wood cabinets and loud orange counter tops. this is what our kitchen looks like. minus any pantry space so we have no place to put anything. hopefully sometime soon we will be working on making our counters black, then painting those cabinets a crisp white with black outlines. and the walls will be red. much more modern and to our tastes.
trouble is, while tony has been working diligently in the garage, these lovely sofas make me want to do nothing but curl up with my Nook. oh well. .. now i will go find something to put on the tv so i can work while having something interesting to distract me from getting bored. tony also got a whole bunch of night stands super cheap. i'm painting them up in neat ways so maybe we can sell some of them. caffeine, my dear friend, would you come join me?