Higher & Higher ►
FAQ Layout Information
TESTED BROWSERS Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer
PROBLEMS? None at all :)
FEATURES Tiny icons, contextual pop ups, custom nav-strip, pretty rounded corners for FF users
DISABLED Journal title/subtitle
AD-PLACEMENT Between Entries
FINAL NOTES And after I swore to never do Flexi-Squares again as well xD
Made as a Christmas gift for
rhetoricians in a fandom-community gift meme.
Layout Installation
SELECT JOURNAL STYLE 01. Select any Flexible Squares theme (by Yati Mansor).
02. Pick an ad placement you prefer (Between Entries tends to look best in general).
03. Make sure that you enable the sidebar!
CUSTOM CSS Use layout's stylesheet(s) → NO
Use layout's stylesheet(s) when including custom external stylesheet → NO
Use external stylesheet → NO
Use CTRL + A inside the textbox to select everything, and then copy and paste into the CUSTOM CSS box.
LJ STYLE: Flexible Squares
LAYOUT: Higher and Higher
MAKER: jessilestrange // kill_zombie
FOR: rhetoricians
http://community.livejournal.com/kill_brainz/ OR
http://jessilestrange.livejournal.com/ */
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IMAGES Save these to your own servers to ensure that the images don't die on you when my Photobucket explodes :D
Tiny Icons →
User -
CommunityEntry Header -
Protected -
Private -
GroupsMetadata + Tags -
Tags -
Mood -
Music -
Location -
GroupsComments →
Delete -
Screen -
Unscreen -
Freeze -
Track -
Tracking -
Anonymous -
Open ID -
Talk/None -