Newsflash... 9/11 was NOT the worst disaster in history.

Sep 10, 2004 20:10

I'm so fucking sick of all these backwoods know-nothing bastards talking about how horrible 9/11 was. I mean, yeah, it sucked... but it wasn't that goddamned bad and it's about time people stopped whining and got the fuck over it. Unless a member of your immediate family was maimed and killed, from this point on I refuse to communicate with people who insist on bitching about 9/11.

Let's take a moment to compare 9/11 with the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

9/11: On September 11, 2001 the USA suffered the loss of 2 buildings, a few planes, a chunk of the Pentagon, and apx. 3,030 people.  Since 9/11 there has not been another act of terrorism in the U.S.

Israel: Since 1920, Israel has been constantly bombarded with terror attacks from Palestine, and since then has only seen 5 years without terror-related deaths, with no more than 2 consecutive. The last terror-free year was in 1934. To date, over 3,582 Israelis have been killed by terrorists.

Now, I realize that in terms of numbers, there isn't a huge difference. The difference is in the impact on society. For the most part, Americans have the luxury of living without fear. We have the ability to get on buses and go to work and school with a decent amount of confidence that we are not going to be killed by some psycho with a bomb. People in other parts of the world do not have that comfort level. Take Israel for example... for the past 70 years their people have lived in a state of constant fear.  There are loonies here in America who are constantly freaked out, convinced another attack will occur.. but in Israel, the fear is justified.  Tomorrow marks the 3rd anniversary of the "Great American Tragedy", and maybe instead of wallowing in the event like a country full of glasses-wearing, flippy-haired Dashboard fans, we should be thankful that we live in a place where this type of horror is a once in a lifetime event and not a daily occurence.
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