Another Post Before I Leave

Jan 04, 2009 22:13

I leave again on Tuesday to see ellensama in Burbank, and I'm terribly excited again! I'm loving the fact that this winter break so far has been the best I've EVER had in my life, and that I'm spending my time with people that kickass too, it's friggin awesome. And my co-workers are either absolutely pissed and/or jealous seeing that I've actually taken time off to do nice things (and when I brag about Cape Cod oh the lulz).

Last week I had lunch with ladyfox7oaks at the Denny's again while she was stuck in Vegas. Thanks for spending some time with me man, and sorry about your sleeve! :B

And l_loire and hearts_blood I found out when my winter quarter ends, on Saturday March 28th. So that means most likely I'll have the usual one week off starting from that date unless AILV would be kind enough to give us an extra week.

And oh yeah the Eleventh Doctor, even if it isn't Tennant, sorry not interested. I took one look at him and *ugh* I guess I'll TRY and give him a chance and hope and PRAY TO MY PAGAN GODS he isn't another whack job like 10 (and I seriously don't want Tennant fangirls on my ass, there's no convincing me, he's not a good actor end of story).

Let's see, I saw a shirtless Collings in Elizabeth R, got more work done on The Macra Terror piece, opened D84 and placed him on my desk, and finally finished reading the Two story The Dominators. Other than that, I still need to edit and upload all my pics from the cape and new years.

In serious RL stuff, I have to deal with more collection agencies, and my back is starting to feel worse. I can't go five minutes without it cracking or disocating my shoulders. Bah, but in happier news I'm really considering moving to the East Coast as soon as school is over. I need to figure out how to start selling some of my stuff on ebay so I can lighten the load a bit lol And everyone pray I get my wireless back, I'm stabbing my own brains on dial up D:

Anyway, If I don't check my messages tomorrow I'll be back on Saturday :) I hope everyone else is staying frosty!


Oh and Phantom of the Paradise is fucking awesome! If anyone is willing to help me out to find the soundtrack or the DVD (cause I am so broke) I will draw things!

patrick troughton, david collings, painting the town red, rant

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