Odds and Ends...*cough* *EDIT*

Sep 05, 2008 08:31

Things have gotten steadily worse over the course of the week. A meeting with our case manager yesterday was less than optimistic and therapy with all its spine smashing sessions left me feeling worse than before. Bills are piling up, mom isn't really making things better as usual, and sister owes me money. What could possibly happen to make things even better?

Well nothing really, but some things that make me happy and ease the stress of it all comes from good friends. So vandonovan, when I saw your e-mail this morning, it totally made the rest of my day :D That dose of Collings was what I needed badly! And for that I thank you!

The following cut is a bunch of clutter from class and stuff I found, I'm even posting a snapshot of the finished Sarah Jane Smith portrait I completed a few days ago. Oh and you might want to know about the wonder that is Chocolate Thunder...

My Creative Writing teacher Lori, she is awesome (we call her mom) she's always telling us stories how she subdues wolves, saves animals, and scares off the Mormans with her witch stories. She's always full of life and an attitude, but in the end she's the only teacher at AILV that really gives a damn about our creativity. So in another session of her outrageous lectures we read parts of Sherman Alexie's Ten Little Indians, and more importantly about Chocolate Thunder... The 15-inch black vibrating dildo that has "magic powers", and sure enough throughout the day the mystique that was Chocolate Thunder dominated every aspect of conversation. Eventually I had the idea to draw something on the white board, Lori came up with the idea to make it into a *cough* Wonka candy bar *cough* God I love her!

So when I went to the library yesterday I scanned through the books on sale in the bookstore and came across an old text book with some fairy tales in it. And in one fairy tale there was a prince, a prince that looked like a certain man I have the hots for. So I bought the book for $1 and brought it home...

Holy crap it looks like David Fucking Collings

Finally some doodles and the Sarah Jane Smith portrait I finally scanned and pieced together in photoshop.

Ahaha Poor Steel!

And last but not least a Michael York - Logan 5 chibi (there will be more...)


school, rant, logan's run, sapphire and steel, silver, portraits, michael york, david collings

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