Application for sirenspull

Nov 27, 2010 10:56

Player Information

Name: Bella
Age: 17
AIM SN: pigomentosum
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Sure have.
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? My friend seduced coaxed me into apping. I was stalking before.

Character Information

Canon Source: +C: Sword and Cornett
Canon Format: Manga
Character's Name: Kiliko Lagen
Character's Age: Uh-- around 19~21? The mangaka hasn't given anyone save maybe Belca good estimated age. I'd have to guess 19 or 20 though.
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A

What form will your character's NV take? Something inconspicious.

Character's Canon Abilities: He hails from a noble family, so he'd know some level of swordplay - how good he is at is has yet to be seen, but it's safe to assume he's not horrible. He also might have some skill in mixing drugs, as the Lagen family's been doing that for a while and surely he would have learned in order to take over the business, so to speak.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them?: Minimal control over emotions - I hate to bring up a comparison like this, but think of Jasper's ability from Twilight. Enough to be able to calm down people he's "close" to. If he ever sought to train it, I suppose it could be used for more manipulative purposes, but not by much? Like a little nagging thought.
Weapons: A sword.

Character History: Long story short: He was poor (possibly working as a servant in the Lagen house?), he was adopted by Lord Lagen after Lagen's original son, Francesco, ran off, and since then he's been the Duke of Adine, which is a small, neighboring island. While he was at the Lagen household as a child, he knew a boy named Francesco, who was the heir of the house. Francesco, who considered his nobility to be a "petty, trivial thing" and thought Kiliko (then called Nathanael) to be pitiful for being jealous of it, teasingly offered it to him. Apparently not long after, Francesco ran away from the Lagen house with some sort of secret (likely after finding out about the Rovisco archives), and somewhere along the line, Kiliko changed his name from Nathanael to, well, Kiliko, and was adopted into the Lagen family.

Sometime later, he assisted his father in the poisoning of the Crown Prince (just enough to make it seem as if he had a disease; the Lagen family had been doing this for generations) but killed him on accident with a little too much dosage. Upon the second and third princes, Orcelito and Belca respectively, finding out, he became Orcelito's attendant and subsequently has been blamed by him for Belca's falling off of a cliff. He threatened to use the poison they had been giving the royal family for years on Orcelito as well, to make him as obedient as a puppet should be, but Orcelito was unfortunately clever. They formed an alliance to overthrow the elders (for Kiliko, power; for Orcelito, ruling the country so his younger siblings could live peacefully and as they wanted and not have to worry about anything), though they respectfully hate the other's guts and do try to provoke each other at any point.

While Belca and co. are off getting captured by Dietrich Noah, the Earl of Arlon and apparently a friend of Kiliko's, Kiliko is making said alliance with Orcelito. They swear it in such an old fashioned way - cutting their hands and mixing their blood, a blood pact - and plan. A short time later, when Belca and co. finally make their way to the royal prefecture, Kiliko gets a letter by bird from Noah informing him of the situation. He meets with Belca, doesn't exactly answer any of his questions, and permits him to do whatever it is scorned princes with no self-esteem do. Unfortunately there is a plan inside of a plan and shit goes down. Orcelito and Kiliko lock both Linna and Belca up, and as soon as they've straightened things out with Belca demanding Linna's release from Kiliko after seeing him all beat up from questioning, the two of them are free to explore the prefecture. A council meeting about the Amontel is made, Kiliko reasons with Orcelito that it'd be best to pretend to submit to the elders until they can strike, and on their way out Belca jumps down from an insanely high wall.

Orcelito then informs him of what's going to happen to the Amontel, and says for Belca not to worry, and that those monsters he hated so much would be imprisoned. Unbeknownst to both Orcelito and Kiliko, Belca's heart had grown three sizes in the few weeks or whatever they hadn't seen him due to being helped out by and helping the Amontel, and he flips out. A little while later, during Orcelito's investiure ceremony into being the Crown Prince, they're attacked by some Amontel (note: not the same ones who helped out Belca and co. the first time) and, long story short, Belca gets captured like the little princess he is, Kiliko sends guards to go rescue him, and in the meantime, Eco is flouncing around pretending to be a guard and being cute. Kiliko's and Eco's path meet outside, where Eco uses his old name Nathanael, and Kiliko addresses Eco as 'Francesco' - as in, the original heir to the Lagen house. He shouts that he could never go back and be a successor to the name, and Eco says he doesn't want that (what's with those eyes? are you that jealous of me? shall i give it to you? because for me, it's something unnecessary. such a... such a trivial thing.).

The palace's watchdogs - that is, giant hulking tentacle monsters - attack, cause a commotion, and Kiliko loses sight of Eco. Belca, Eco, and an Amontel manage to make it out and escape to safety, but Linna was stabbed through the gut by a bar when he was pushing Belca out of the way and into freedom. Kiliko is both frustrated and highly, and understably, irritated.

Point in Canon: Chapter 23.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality: With friends like Kiliko Lagen, who needs enemies? While he can show some loyalty to others, his motives are only to further himself, even if he's helping others by way of motives working towards the same thing (and after being blackmailed, of course). His intentions are not, to say, bad. What he wants the most is power, and to show Lord Lagen he can be a worthy replacement for Francesco, even though he's adopted. In a sense, he's really like an antagonist, and he's willing to manipulate anyone he can. Specifically, he knows that Orcelito's (the prince he's serving as an attendant for) weakness is his remaining siblings, Princess Musca and Prince Belca, and he knows that Orcelito would do anything to ensure their safety. He also knows that Orcelito wants to get rid of the Elders, as they're the ones who have been perpetuating the whole "poison the royalty slowly" and accidentally killed his older brother Hector. He's used these as small leverages from time to time, so he's clearly not above it.

He's a snarky, questioning sort of guy; often he questions Orcelito's intentions, especially those regarding Belca. It's not worry or concern over their well-being, but over if the plans are going to get ruined because of it. He's not all bad though. He's kept up his end of the deal - that is, doing what he can - with Orcelito, and for the most part, he's been a perfectly loyal attendant. He's confident enough to put ideas out there and be as relaxed as a formal person can be around a prince (which isn't a lot, per say, but he's not above touching him to calm him down or otherwise). Ultimately, he doesn't exactly trust those he makes deals with, especially if it's through an underhanded use of important documents that could permanently shame his family, though in actuality those would shame the royalty's name if anyone could actually read the old scripts.

Regardless of the above things, he does want to be accepted as a worthy son by his adoptive father. He's a little insecure about his place - he gets angry when he sees Eco and recognizes him, yelling that he couldn't go back to the family and become the successor. It shows that while he's been raised to be the heir, he's afraid that if Eco steps back into the light, Lord Lagen will discard him easily. And by discard, one means "kill". After all, no one who escapes can know the truth (of the Rovisco records, mind) lest someone goes off singing songs about it and stirring trouble. Everything he does is to prove he's a good successor to the Lagen house, and with Orcelito's deal of helping him overthrow the Elders in exchange for a promise to power, he believes he'll be proven good enough. Any means necessary.

That isn't to say he'll go back on his word, despite his character type. He's a man of his word, honestly, as noblechildren are often brought up to be - though they're also brought up to be lying, cheating, underhanded murderers - and loyalty is partly the first thing on his mind (to regret). He's under the strict impression that most, if not all, noble children are brats, and spoiled ones at that. Considering his experience with rich, noble brats, it isn't entirely unfounded.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: Not sure.

Appearance/PB: Isn't he just dashing?

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[Tall, dark, and handsome Kiliko appears onscreen, looking a little more than frustrated and tired.]

I need to speak with Your Highness immediately.

[He pauses, evidently unsure of putting out too much information, especially in case His Highness was no where to be found.]

...About Your Highness' "late night walks".

Third Person Sample

Kiliko Lagen sinks into the chair, literally sinks; he's as tired as if Hell had just ripped through, and it may as well have. He gives a cursory glance around the room, then to the shining black brooch he hadn't had before he arrived in this Hell. He fingers it, watching the glossy surface, and pins it back to the nestle of his cravet. Fingers swipe back through his hair as he sets it into place; he stands, presses a hand to his chest, and breathes.

Calm. Think of calm things. Calm. Standing on the ramparts to watch the sunrise. Dressing His Highness for bed. Staring at an empty book with empty questions and empty answers--

He cuts his thoughts off there, fist clenching. Something scratches at the window and he assures himself that his fingers aren't shaking when he lifts the curtains to peer outside at the creatures murking about in the Darkness. He's greatly reminded of the palace's watchdogs, which only angers him further.

(How had Francesco gotten in? Why?)

He sinks back into the chair, grips the arms as hard as he can, and closes his eyes.
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