Labor Day is my least favorite holiday

Sep 02, 2007 21:51

I really don't like Labor Day. It means the end of summer, and I never want to let go of summer. It means autumn is right around the corner, and I can never enjoy autumn because all I can think about is the fact that winter is getting closer.

All I've heard about the past couple weeks is how the Old Farmers' Almanac is predicting this:

"Precipitation will be near normal, but the cold periods in midwinter will allow for above-normal snowfall in much of the region. The coldest periods will occur in mid- and late December, mid- to late January, and early and mid-February. Heavy snowfalls will occur in mid-December, mid- to late January, and mid- and late February."

Why don't they just say, "You live in the armpit of the world. Your winter is going to suck. Loser."

I've decided I don't like the Old Farmers' Almanac either.

winter, summer

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