Jun 04, 2008 01:45
I hereby declare RosenKreuzStilette a quality game.
- Harder than your standard MegaMan game while still being easier than MegaMari. While I do appreciate MegaMari's difficulty, this makes it so I have to hear less people bitch.
- (Most) Boss battles are not academic even once you figure out which weapon works. MegaMari did this, as did many of the later MegaMan games, and it annoyed me to no end.
- I missed charging and sliding in MegaMari, and was glad to have them back here. In retrospect, however, maybe sliding should indeed be left out of MegaMan clones starring little girls in dresses...
- You don't lose your charge upon getting hit (even though it initially looks like you do). I wanted to strangle whoever coded MM5 and MM6 for adding that "feature".
- Lots of shit pulled straight from MegaMan stage/boss designs, some of which were given interesting spins. I laughed hard at the Gravity Man section, and the stained-glass windows boss was especially entertaining.
- The main character and over half the stage bosses are stacked, which is an immediate upgrade over Touhou.
- References to other games that weren't part of the MegaMan series, like Bomberman, Link's Awakening and SotN.
- Quality stage design (for the most part). KKK loli's stage, in particular, was highly amusing. It's too bad it only works once. :(
- They let you fast-forward through the dialogue, which is nice for those of us that can't read moonrunes because some of the fortress conversations were about 15 minutes long. (I assume this is not a problem in Arcade Mode.)
- Very nice music, though I can't say I remember any of it off the top of my head.
- The voice acting was a nice touch.
- I Buster Dueled Scythefaggot all by myself!!!
- No Weapon Tanks, though this was only a problem during the final boss run.
- QuickMan lasers. I have no inherent problem with these, because when they're done right they're a very enjoyable challenge. Issues arise when a room with them in it is designed to trick you, however. There were times when I felt like I was playing IWBTG, and that's only a good thing if the game I'm playing is, indeed, IWBTG.
- Rock Monster Screenflip made me cry like a little bitch.
- I couldn't figure out how to detonate bombs early, which meant I had to BD the second half of the flying tank because I couldn't connect with the bombs to save my life.
- They took something of a MegaMan X4 approach to the main character jumping around and shooting: she can't seem to keep her mouth shut.
- The stages were too short, and there was a HUGE difficulty jump from the stages to the bosses (sans Freud's).