"..if youz got the poison, I'z gotz the remedy.."
ok, don't shoot me Lorraine. lol jk. u wouldn't do that to ur frieeeennnnddd would u? ::puppy dog pout:: lol. It's just to good, I love "The Remedy"!! It's all random I mean "..be right back after this, the unavoidable kiss with the minty fresh death and the sugar outlast.." its like this weire blend of cool words. lol. by Jason Mraz aka buggy-eyed Hugh Grant. lol. observe:
..... and .....
haha. u must-must admit, the resemblance is striking (although Hugh Grant is a lot more attractive than Mistah Froggy Eyes there. But, Froggy-Eyes does have a great cd...hmmm. lol. xDDD lol. ok enuff pathetic talk) lollollol. ok hyped up that I got my journal so techy-tronic ::robot noises:: haha. ok here's a lil' fave-band tribute. lol.
ahhhh. so hot and he's a friend to the animals too!!! go to:
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.petakids.com/feat/GoodCharlotte/images/KFC01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.petakids.com/feat/GoodCharlotte/&h=400&w=600&sz=70&tbnid=_t_VzfhrVukJ:&tbnh=88&tbnw=132&start=250&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgood%2Bcharlotte%26start%3D240%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DN ok back to the pix:
Joely and widdle Kid Vicious!!! lol. gingivitis, anyone?? XDDD c'mon Joel. brushing ur teeth is a simple and painless process. Benj on the other hand can give the crowd a glimpse of his pearly-whites anyday. haha.
like u aren't foul enuff alread, Paul. xD jk! but still...ew.