All those nights spend In that stormy weather

Aug 08, 2005 14:43

Well, I just got home.
There's nothing really to do.
Britt is in North Carolina And Kimberly is in Florida!
And Those are my two best friends
and I basically spend my life with them
Yeah I'm bored.

This Weekend is going to be fun. I cannn't wait.
I love Cedar Point<3

I miss a lot of people!
I haven't seen... Kierlyn or Ashley all summer.
Everyone else i haven't seen I don't really care about (Kidding, I do care..)
But I really miss those girls!

Summer has been awesome.
haha I don't think I've been in my pool once this summer.
Which is really sad if you think about it
since this has been like one of the hottest summers ever.

I don't really have anything to say.. Just bored outta my minnnd

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