Best goddamned camping trip ever. I'm still a mite crispy, but it was totally worth it.
We rule:

Behold, the Fortress Of LOLitude:

We put up camo and hid in plain sight from the rest of the camp:

FuckShoes The Clown, otherwise known as Jesse down the street:

Croseus, aka NeverSober's dad, primes the cannons as Febtober(Tyler) looks to the left:

The Saturn Missile Crisis is about to explooode!

The carnage, the horror!

War is hell:

Bartertown Strikes Back!

The aptly-named NeverSober, one helluva guy. His dad's the crustiest old SOB ever, and just as awesome:

You know it's a good day when it's 10:30 a.m. and you're already drunk:

A map of this shindig; Viva Camp Awesome!