First, let me welcome
da_fox_qc, I hope I won’t scare him away.
I am at this time of the year where strange questions and thoughts invade my brain and just refuse to leave me in peace. So if philosophy is not your cup of tea stop reading right now.
I really don’t understand why I have these urges; philosophy was always the classes I hated with a passion.
Anyway, here is what on my head today:
What did we lost at the beginning of time that is so deeply miss now that we feel this urge to research our prehistory?
Why no matter how often we said that we shall let go of the past and live in the present, are we digging with all our might to learn about our beginning?
Why are we on the edge of our seats, hung on the lips of anyone who pretend to be able to share a dim light on an iota of a glimpse of our tale?
Why this profound feeling of crumbling?
Where are our foundations buried and lost?
Was the lost of this knowledge a too big price to pay for our freedom, our easier life and our better longevity?
I don’t even know if theses questions are making any senses but I had to write them because they creates in me a deep disturbance and I know that I will have to explore them extensively if I want to mute them…
And now we return you to your superficial day life.
-“Oh, don’t worry about it…As soon as you step outside that door, you’ll start feeling better. You’ll remember you don’t believe in any of this fate crap…you’re in control of your own life…remember?”
“Here, take a cookie… I promise, by the time you’re done eating it, you’ll feel right as rain…” Oracle from “The Matrix”