Please give me more hours, more days, more...

Oct 09, 2007 18:22

I would like to start a petition to have at least 30 hours a day and 15 days a week…

First, my friend is doing better but it did take a lot of time and energy, and there are still a lot of things that he has to settle before things take back a semblance of normality. I really think that this crisis will help deepen the bound between them (his mate and him) and between us.

At work, I learned that we would have another audit that will open a new European market for us. This is also bringing it share of extra work for me. New medical supplies to shop for and to buy, and a makeover the white room since the last changes they made force us to rethink our work place which also bring a deeper cleaning (stripping and waxing the floors, cutting some cabinets and repainting, etc)
We also had trouble with a plane one night and with all the delay, ended up making a 14 hours day.

At home, I have been through all my papers and cleaning everything I don’t need anymore. It was also time to put my summer clothes in the basement and bring up the warmer clothes (that makes up for a lot of laundry).

Friday I went to renew my driver license and my plates so I will be able to go to FF (a $488 bill). Last weekend I went to my sister’s place where I helped her to clean her lot before working on my JEEP. I changed the oil, change the thermostat, checked my wires (the fire was jumping when it was humid) and changed the default ones (I also noted that I will have to change my coil soon), we welded the exhaust pipe (I still have a bracket to put in before winter), we extracted and changed the screw for the idle adjustment and last but not least, we had to weld two bolts on my stabiliser bar and screwed it in. If I can I will have to see to take out all the rust and patch it good before the snow.

Computers really must hate me. Last week, it was the turn of my monitor to let me know that he had enough. Since then I am doing (when I am lucky) with an image that is a quarter of the normal size and that is very distorted. I will try to have myself another one this week.

Last week as I was looking at thrift stores for a special prop for my Kildoo, I bought a pair of leather pants for $14. They fit me really well and I don’t have to do any adjustment on them. The only thing I had to do is to fix the linen. Since I had my sewing machine out for that, I went through all my clothes and sew everything that needed it. Now I only have to go through my fursuit and make sure that it is in purrfect order for FF.

With all that, I still had a bit of time to try and planned some activities for the visit of my mate after FF.

And now I have to try and review some poems if I don’t want to be thrown out of APC.

Too bad that coffee doesn’t act on wolves as it does for squirrels (Hoodwinked and Over the Edge), I would need to boost my speed efficiency ten times if I want to make it to FF in time.

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