May 28, 2005 06:48
Yesterday night my friend Sophie brought me to eat supper at a friend. It was really nice to meet them (Richard and Wilson). They bought a very nice house in the country near a river about a year ago and they are renovating it. They really make a very nice couple. I'm glad that they found each other. Seeing them made me dream about me and someone special to me.
Last night when I got home past midnight, I had the pleasant surprise to catch him on-line. We had another wonderful chat. And now that the only thing for me to do is to meet him IRL to confirm things, I would like to tell you all who I am in love with. I hope he didn't want me to keep it secret, but I feel so good lately that I want to share that with everybody. The person responsible for my happiness is Lupine. I love you Lupine and I can't wait to talk to you again tonight.
Ain't love a marvelous feeling.