Weeds. Holy shit, do I love Weeds. Guillermo Diaz is an amazing actor. That scene with him and Nancy in the jail was fuck awesome. Like a thousand hot dogs. And Mary Louise Parker can do no wrong.
Class from 7:30-10:30, work from 11:30-6:00. Eeehh.
Been pretty dead since I got in. Not many shipping holidays around now. Weird camping/outdoor equipment work, though.
Found some of my first mix CDs, must've been fourteen, fifteen years old. I was such a chode sometimes, but I had some damn happy music. Put me in a great mood to go be irritated by relative activity theory. Fuckers.
I love Gawker with a passion sometimes.
Go here and watch the clip of Fox and Friends They're trying really hard to seem smart and, you know, stuff. You betcha.
The brain trust at Fox & Friends is often swatting at confusing things, trying in vain to figure them out, and today was no exception. The topic was that thing that's going on in Iran with the votes or whatever.
Eeeheehee, I love it.
-Speaking of Fox's incompetent staff, here's a short taste of how bad they get when they have no inflow of talking points to spew:
Click to view
This would've been a neat, uplifting article about the new "honesty cafes" springing up in Indonesia as part of their anti-corruption bit. Go in, grab what you like, and then on the way out, drop your money in a little box. No cashier, no receipts, no security. And 95% of them are turning profits and seeing success, especially near schools. This is awesome! I got all fuzzy thinking about it, and then the last line of the article is a quote from a government official:
“I guess the honesty cafes are O.K.,” he said. “But, you know, this is Indonesia.”
This makes Shepard Fairey look like Shepard FAIRY! LOLOLOLOLOL! Wish I thought of that headline, Gawker beat me to it :(
A Russian street artist was arrested by the secret service, interrogated, and beaten. He is now being charged with inappropriate behavior. The work that got all their panties in a twist?
Seriously. THIS is a capital offense. She's saying 'Oh I don't know - a third Presidential term? It is a bit too much....on the other hand, three is a charm.'
You show 'em, Putina.
-I'm glad South Park was a bit off in their declaring the lives of pirates depressing and full of hardship. Al Jazeera scored
an exclusive story with pirates from Puntland.
Far from pillaging criminals, they’re considered the “Robin Hoods of the sea.” According to this report, they spread the wealth: 30% to financier, 50% to pirate crew, 20% to supporting staff and the poor.
People love ‘em: Many residents appreciate what the so called “defenders of the nation’s fisheries” are doing and claim their “tuna-rich waters” have been plundered by commercial multinationals since 1991. Said one local, “I don’t call them pirates - they are our marines. They are protecting our resources from those looting them. They are not criminals.”
Love it.
For keeping your dead babies fresher, longer!
OH MY GOD INTERACTIVE KALEIDOSCOPE! Click 'round it, it's fun AND seizure inducing!
But mostly fun for the easily amused.
-And finally, my new favorite intarwebz rest stop is totally
My Milk Toof It's the cutest thing ever. Make your day a little less shittastic with adorable toof adventures!
And...c'est tout! Might go hang oot with the Dalk after work. Need mah hair cut. Still need to watch the nu Burn Notice from last week before tomorrow!