sodding time zones and the horrendous schedule

May 24, 2008 01:44

Right! Dearest friends...

It's official. I hate this timezone. To top this feeling off, one of the major internet blockers (Mam) will be back on wednesday. There goes my easy internet access. Bloody Bingo or whatever she does in here. The other aggravation of the day would be that my return to the USA and a much more civilized timezone has been delayed. Yep. There is a better teachers program available to me but it starts in September going on thru March. So, I have opted for that. Still, means that I dinna get the peace that is solitary habitation till august. Bletch! I hoped to hear you all, however, I job means that I must get sleep for the horror that is tommorrow. POWERFEST!!! (read - aggravated and tired and couldna give a flying F**k Fiddy at work). Selling things to people that are pointless. I really canna face Retail anymore. I simply canna care if you like your shampoo or car or toothbrush or jeans. Ipod? lovely. Just take one, for f's sake and dinna bother me with the details. Sigh. I miss you loads. I need sane and interesting people in my life that are not in the throes of teen angst or asking me questions about the merits of this plug versus that plug.

Hugs to you all.

Sad Fiddy
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