Got this from
ladytory . Though I also read and appreciated
LadyTonks letter meme.
ladytory kindly gifted me with the letter M.
This is how it works: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.
I give you all, the letter M according to
kilcarr Mannequin : Because it was the first thing that popped into my mind. This is perhaps due to the great deal of time that I have spent dressing and and undressing of these weird headless women. I became so familiar with their hard, plastic and nipple-less forms that I learned how to remove their brassieres one-handed. Otherwise, you ran the risk of looking as though you were molesting those impossibly firm forms. Occupational hazard of being a corporate shopgirl. If anyone cares to know, they were a 34B bra and XS/S knickers. V.V. realistic. Mons, Belgium the lovely town that I grew up in. This is the Hotel de Ville in the main square. Medieval center and all. Quite lovely, but seriously, it is located in the Borinage ie. the armpit of Belgium.
Magic Really like it. I once had a complete emotional breakdown when I was told that Fairies etc did not exist. Seriously, it was a half box of snotrags sort of break down. But then, there are all sorts of other kinds of magic that are all around us all at all times. I blame my father for my love of fantasy and magic. In the same month, he gave me The Chronicles of Narnia (whole series so that I could read away an entire week spent solely with my Mum) and bought the computer game "Might and Magic" and we spent the rest of the month questing together till the wee hours.
Metric System Because things by 10 make soooo much more sense. The effing systemin the US makes NO sense. What in the name of your granny's bloomers makes a mile make any sense. thumbs, feet, yards ... to this day, have no idea what an ounce really means. Pints are the only thing that makes any visual sense.
Moniker I have alot of them. I like names. Though, do not approve of unfounded name-calling.
Meredith Brooks Anyone remember the song "Bitch"? Well, that stays in my memory as one of the first songs that a) I dance around the kitchen with my little sister too and sang together under our breaths when certain persons went on a rampage. b) Was the first song ever dedicated to me over the radio. (though, this is a fond memory)
Manager, Stage First job that I was ever "let-go" from. Sigh. However, to be fair, I was not doing my best job ever and I really am well-shot of the Pychotic director. It also let me confirm that I really do not enjoy Opera.
Mia Nickname for a disease I nearly disappeared into. To my huge disgust, there are sites allover the net that are pro-mia. This makes me cry. It makes me rage to see how the telly treats this sort of disease. It is not a punchline, it is life threatening. Make-up I have lots of it. I am quite good at applying it. Just a vanity based hobby I suppose. Have a startling ability to remember all sorts of factoids and theories concerning cosmetics. I sometimes wonder if I missed my calling.
Moseley, William Cute boy. Has a last name starting with M. Just bought the collector's edition of The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe. And, I am a pervy, old-ish lady. See what I mean... and then there is this ... but rather sweet so there. This actually took some thought. bugger