Все ли равны перед законом

May 10, 2023 23:22

“They just classified her as a drug addict, a chronic user,” said Julianna Arnold, referring to the Bronx detectives who responded to the overdose death of her 17-year-old daughter, Lucienne “Coco” Konar.
According to the medical examiner’s report, Konar’s body was found in an older man’s apartment with a Ferrari-stamped glassine in the bathroom.
Arnold says she provided detectives with Instagram direct messages showing the identity of a Bronx man who agreed to supply her daughter with what look like oxycodone pills the day before Coco turned up dead. Those messages, reviewed by the I-Team, also show the address of the Bronx building which the teenager visited to buy the pills.
Despite those leads, the medical examiner’s report says the detective who responded to the death declined to investigate the death as a crime.
“Concerns were raised to Det. Esquillante [sic], who did not believe any criminality occurred and thought the death was an overdose,” the report read. “He declined any CSU [Crime Scene Unit] involvement and will await autopsy results.”
“That one thing of him saying not to make that a crime scene, that changed everything,” said Arnold, who believes investigators also failed to urgently gather surveillance video that may have been captured by cameras inside and outside the two Bronx buildings her daughter was known to have entered.
In 2021, NYPD detectives in Brooklyn used surveillance video extensively to build a case against the men accused of selling fentanyl-laced drugs to actor Michael K. Williams. That case was referred to the U.S. Attorney for federal prosecutors who obtained a guilty plea that could send a heroin dealer to prison for up to 40 years.
Coco’s mother said she believes her daughter’s case was treated with far less urgency than the death of Williams.
“The difference was that when he [Williams] was called in dead and the police came, they immediately said we’re going to treat this like a homicide. This is a homicide case, not a drug overdose case,” Arnold said.

Девушка умерла от фентанила, который был в проданных ей таблетках обычных опиоидных лекарств. Когда подобное случилось с актером Микаэлем Вильямсом, расследование велось как убийство и диллера (обыкновенного уличного диллера) засунули в тюрягу до 40 лет. А в случае обычной девушки полиция не стала напрягаться и диллер отделался... ничем. Его даже искать не стали, хотя и могли бы. Но все равны перед законом, улыбаются, говорят как дела.


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