Да как вы посмели покуситься на нашу культуру???

Apr 02, 2023 11:30

To emerge from the Washington Heights 191st Street subway station, the deepest in the city, riders of New York City’s 1 Train have two options: take the elevator or walk through a three-block-long tunnel. The lengthy underground stretch, an essential thoroughfare through the hilly neighborhood, has long served as a canvas for graffiti artists. But on the morning of Friday, January 20, the Department of Transportation (DOT) cleaned and sanitized the passageway and painted its walls a drab beige, completely covering up any trace of street art.
Now, some residents are accusing the city of failing to consult the community before whitewashing the tunnel.
Niria E. Leyva-Gutiérrez, executive director of the Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance (NoMAA), and District 10 Council Member Carmen De La Rosa said in a joint statement that they were informed of the paint job only after it had happened and decried the “continual lack of transparency” from city agencies. They also said that despite their calls to keep the tunnel safe and clean - it has become dimly lit, dirty, and littered with trash and needles - they had never advocated for the erasure of the art that was “emblematic of the tunnel.”
Активисты жалуются, что городские власти закрасили графити в пересадочном тоннеле метро и тем самым уничтожили часть (это даже трудно перевести!) "души района". Вроде как стерли индивидуальность.
Стало так:

А было вот так:

Хоть и стало таек себе, но был то вообще ужас. Но для любителей негритянской культуры, чем рэппистее и дерьмовее - тем лучше. Я вот не понимаю, все эти активисты скрытые (и не очень) - расюги, что просто заставляют ассоциировать черную культуру с говном и насилием??

subway, Нью Йорк, blacks

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