В этой истории виноваты не полицейские

Mar 01, 2023 21:13

Вернее они тоже, но в меньшей мере. Виноват госпиталь, когда тетку отправили домой, несмотря на то, что у неё реально были серьезные проблемы налицо.

A wheelchair-bound 60-year-old woman died of a stroke in police custody after officers believed she was faking an illness.
Recently released body camera footage of the February 5 incident in Knoxville, Tennessee, shows several officers mocking the now-deceased Lisa Edwards even as she told them she had difficulty breathing.
The footage shows how officers swore at Edwards as she lay in distress on the ground, telling her multiple times to stop what they said was an act.
Her family now says the officers were negligent and failed to respect Edwards' basic human needs.
Edwards was taken into custody at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center on February 5 after spending the night there, the Knoxville District Attorney's office said on Monday.
She had complained of abdominal pain and was diagnosed with constipation, and after being observed overnight was discharged at around 7 a.m., the DA's office said.
But Edwards - who needed a wheelchair because she had previously suffered a stroke - refused to leave after being discharged, and hospital security called the Knoxville Police Department, per the DA's office.
Several officers arrived and arrested Edwards for trespassing, calling for a police wagon to take her to jail.
The officers are initially cordial with Edwards, holding her by her arms and guiding her to the wagon. But she could not enter the wagon fully and lay against the entrance of it, breathing heavily, body camera footage shows.
"I can't, I can't," Edwards says repeatedly in the footage.
"Ma'am, listen, you're going to have to get up there, because we're going to have to physically put you up there if not, and that's not nice, so please help us help you," one officer said, per the footage.
Edwards, visibly struggling to breathe, then asks for an inhaler, which one of the officers digs through her purse to look for. The officers comment that they found cigarettes in her purse.
They make multiple attempts to help Edwards into the wagon, but she collapses on the floor of the passenger cabin each time.
The officers then started mocking, berating, and swearing at Edwards, with one officer calling her "dead weight."
"Do you want a cigarette?" an officer asks Edwards, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, the footage shows.
Edwards eventually lies on the ground outside the wagon, and tells officers that she can't breathe and is going to have a stroke, the footage shows.


Ситуация такая. 60-летняя тетка инвалид в Теннеси (я его все время с Кентукки путаю) попала в госпиталь с запором. Её выставили рано утром, но она отказалась уходить, поскольку чувствовала себя плохо. Тогда госпиталь вызвал наряд полиции, который её арестовал за tresspassing  - типа нахожднение там, где не должно. Поскольку она не ходячая, её стали запихивать в автозак, а она падала на пол со словами - мне тяжело дышать. Ну полицейские не поверили - у неё же в сумочке были сигареты (ха-ха, как курящий человек может задыхаться, верно?) вместе с ингалятором. Они посчитали, что она притворяется, а она возьми и помри. И все это происходило по идее прямо вот рядом с госпиталем (поскольку её сажали в автозак), хотя в статье про это напрямую не говорится. То есть, полицейские находились под впечатлением, что раз её выписали, значит все нормально, врачи же выписали, они должны знать! А вот врачам было вообще ПОХ. Умер-шмумер, лишь бы государство за неё заплатило. Причем врачи знали точно, что у тетки был инсульт, но нет - "врач сказал в морг выписывать - значит в морг выписывать".


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