Что-то профсоюз обурел

Aug 17, 2022 18:32

An agreement between the Minneapolis teachers union and the Minneapolis Public Schools which stipulates that White teachers will be laid off before teachers of color, regardless of their seniority, violates the Civil Rights Act, as well as the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, several critics warned.

"The first thing is that this contract violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Protection Clause under the U.S. Constitution," Heritage Foundation fellow Jonathan Butcher told Fox News Digital. "This is, I think, political posturing. It is not dealing with the most important issue which is helping students right now with math and reading."

"I think they should be looking for high quality teachers regardless of the color of their skin," he added.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

Профсоюз учителей в Миннеаполисе слегка прифегел, постановив, что в случае увольнений и сокращений увольнять в первую очередь белых, а не менее опытных и заслуженных. Это ПРЯМОЕ нарушение Конституции и любой суд отменит такое увольнение, если подадут в суд. Тем не менее, профсоюз залупается. Ну чё, допрыгаются, что их распустят

Америка, политика

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