Засуха в Калифорнии

May 24, 2022 13:55

California Gov. Gavin Newsom threatened Monday to impose mandatory water restrictions if residents don't use less on their own as a drought drags on and the hotter summer months approach.
Newsom raised that possibility in a meeting with representatives from major water agencies, including those that supply Los Angeles, San Diego and the San Francisco Bay Area, his office said in a press release. The Democratic governor has avoided issuing sweeping, mandatory cuts in water use and instead favored an approach that gives local water agencies power to set rules for water use in the cities and towns they supply.
January through March typically is when most of California's annual rain and snow falls, but this year those months were the driest in at least a century. Despite calls for conservation, the state's water use went up dramatically in March - 19% compared to the same month in 2020 - and now Newsom is considering changing his approach.

Губернатор Калифорнии угрожает ввести принудительное ограничение в количестве подаваемой воды, если пользователи сами не урежут расход. В штате (да и вообще на всей западной части США) - небывалая сушь. Этот год - особенно засушлив. Воды не хватает на бытовые нужды, не говоря о поливе лужаек (мвятое дело!) и бассейны. А есть еще фракинг - чуть восточнее Калифорнии - который потребляет воду как не в себя.

Америка, погода

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