Ещё кто ребенка украл

Feb 16, 2022 09:07

A New York girl reported missing in 2019 when she was 4 years old was found alive this week under a wooden staircase in a home that officials had visited several times while investigating her disappearance, authorities said Tuesday.
The child was reported missing on July 13, 2019, from Cayuga Heights, a village on the outskirts of Ithaca, New York. At the time, she was believed to have been abducted by her non-custodial parents, Kimberly Cooper and Kirk Shultis Jr., police said in a news release.
Throughout the 2.5-year investigation, authorities received several tips about the Saugerties-area home where the child was eventually located -- but each time, the residents denied knowing anything about the girl's whereabouts, the release said. The town of Saugerties is about 160 miles east of Cayuga Heights.
"Each time, we were met with resistance from the occupants of the residence. We were told that the child was not there, that we were only harassing the family," Saugerties Police Chief Joseph Sinagra told HLN in an interview on Tuesday.
On several occasions, investigators were allowed into the home without a warrant, but they were given "limited access" by Kirk Shultis Jr. and Kirk Shultis Sr., the release added.
That changed Monday when police received information that the child was being hidden and got a search warrant for the home. Police executed that warrant a little after 8 p.m., the release said. The homeowner denied knowing the girl's whereabouts, saying he had not seen her since she was reported missing in 2019, the release added.
An hour into the search, one detective noticed that the steps leading to the basement were oddly constructed. The detective, Erik Thiele, pointed a flashlight through a crack in the wooden steps and saw what seemed to be a blanket, the release said.
Investigators removed several of the steps, the release added, and "that is when detectives saw a pair of tiny feet."
"The child and her abductor, Kimberly Cooper were found hiding in the dark and wet enclosure," the police release said. Authorities believe Cooper and the child had been staying at the home since they disappeared in 2019, Sinagra said, adding the staircase appeared to have been built to hide them both.
Police arrested the child's non-custodial parents as well as Shultis Sr., the release said.

Paislee, then 4, was reported missing in July 2019 after being taken from her legal guardian's home in Cayuga Heights, located approximately 162 miles from where she was found Tuesday. It's unclear why her parents lost custody of their daughter.

Полиция нашля якобы пропавшего ребенка, которого похители.... та дам! родители. Они тут ласково называются "non-custodial parents", типа родители без права родительства (ну как-то так). Ребенка прятала родная мать (и сама там пряталась) в доме своего мужа и свёкра. Пряталась 2.5 года, но кто-то, сцуко, настучал. Родители арестованы, ребенка изъяли и отдали.... кому, собственно говоря, отдали? Об этом история умалчивает. История умалчивает об опекунах, поскольку, скорее всего, это казенные усыновители (фостер родители), которым еще и платят за содержание ребенка, а ребенок для них способ зарабатывания бабла. Если бы это были бабушка или дедушка, про это бы точно написали бы.
Но сам факт, что ребенка государство отобрало у РОДИТЕЛЕЙ, которые ради ребенка пошли на такую практически невыносимую жизнь, говорит, что государство в лице всей этот системы - говно говнищенское. И при этом государство скрывает почему ребенка изъяли у родителей, зато с умилением сообщают, что теперь ребенок может ходить к доктору и в школу, а девочку накормили в МакДональдсе как будто она голодала, хотя в реальности из за обстоятельств она не могла ходить туда. И да, родители белые, что бы не было инсинуаций про негрилл на герыче.

Америка, дети

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