Турция в экономической спирали

Nov 23, 2021 20:06

Вы будете смеяться, но мой пост несколько дней назад про Турцию имеет продолжение. Ситуация от плохой быстро скатывается к катастрофической.

Apple has frozen nearly all sales of its products in Turkey amid a rapidly worsening economic crisis in the nation, according to the Turkish version of the company's online store.
If you go to the Apple Store Online from a Turkish IP, everything looks fine until you attempt to place an item in your digital shopping cart. So far, Apple hasn't said a word about the developing situation in Turkey, where inflation in Turkey has surged to nearly 20% as the nation's currency, lira, dropped sharply by at least 15% on Tuesday, according to a CNBC report.
The value of Turkey's lira fell to a new record low of 13.44 to one U.S. dollar on Tuesday, which was previously unthinkable and far beyond what seemed like a firm "psychological" barrier of 11 lira to one dollar. "Insane where the lira is, but it's a reflection of the insane monetary policy settings Turkey is currently operating under," said Senior Emerging Markets Strategist Tim Ash, in the report. The sell-off happened in the wake of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's defense of his central bank's ongoing contentious interest rate cuts, which have been executed during a record-high rise of double-digit inflation. He said the action was part of an "economic war of independence," turning down calls from global analysts and investors to yield to economic pressure.

Инфляция превышает 20% (официально как рассчитывается в России и США), а турецкая лира уже 13.4 за доллар. Неделю назад было 10. Султан занимается тем, чем советовал Глазьев - тратит направо и налево национальные резервы и держит низким ставку центробанка, что способствует спекуляциям. Ну вот и результат. И никакого коммунизма Чавеса, экономической блокады, арестов счетов. Сам, все сам: как советовали наши коммунисты и некоторые государственники поступать.

Ближний Восток, экономика

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