А это для еврейских унтерменьшей, которые возомнили себя равным БЕЛЫМ людям Америки

Nov 04, 2021 20:24

Нет Яков, для правшей ты не ровня, а цель грабежа и убийства. Запомни это раз и навсегда. Синагоги расстреливали правши, а не леваки. Для непосвещенных, кайки - это жид по-американски. И да, они таки убили человека во время марша в Шарлотсвилле.

An organizer of the white supremacist Unite The Right rally privately discussed raising an army, attacking Jewish people, and murdering a colleague in the movement, a jury heard this week.
Sines v. Kessler, an ongoing lawsuit, seeks to hold organizers of Unite The Right responsible for the deadly rally’s violence. But not all of the defendants-a coalition of far-right groups and leaders-have been cooperative. Central to the case is Elliott Kline, a Unite The Right organizer who has failed to appear in court or turn over court-ordered evidence. Instead, jurors this week heard from Kline’s ex-girlfriend and reviewed Kline’s text messages, both of which suggested plots for violence.
In June 2017, nearly two months before the deadly rally, Kline messaged fellow white supremacists about the event’s dress code and its forecast for violence.
Identity Evropa was gearing up to be a fighting force, with Kline at its head, Froelich testified this week. Kline discussed raising “a militia for Richard Spencer,” describing himself as “willing to make an army for Richard,” Froelich said. But not all was friendly between Kline and Spencer, she testified, adding that Kline had mulled plans to “kill Richard and take over all of it.”
Froelich also testified that Kline complained to her about being unable to kill Jews-remarks Kline testified were just jokes.
Although plaintiffs’ attorneys had a deposition from Kline, they had even less cooperation from defendant Robert “Azzmador” Ray, who has gone missing with a warrant for his arrest, rather than face trial. Instead, attorneys showed Ray’s Discord messages, including those at which he discussed Unite The Right attendees showing up with shields and equipment that could be used as a weapon.
“This is a war, not a party,” Ray told prospective attendees in July. That same month, he attended a long conversation with the event’s organizers, details of which he relayed on Discord.
“The plan is the same,” he announced, “gas the k*kes.”

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