Jun 29, 2021 21:09
It's not just people who are feeling the heat, though. Essential infrastructure in cities and towns stuck under the heat dome is starting to melt, according to a report from Earther. In Portland, the city's streetcar service was forced to shut down over the weekend because the unexpected heat started to melt the power cables. In Seattle, the pavement on some city streets has gotten so hot that it has buckled, leaving some roads unusable, Vice reported. And in Canada, record temperatures are hitting the Vancouver-area mountain ranges, melting snow that typically remains throughout the summer season. That has created flood risks for nearby communities, which aren't prepared for such an event because, well, it's never happened before.
On top of all this, there is additional pressure being put on the power grid, as more people stay inside and fire up their air conditioners. Portland has already experienced some power outages, per Earther, and it's likely that there are more to come. Power grids aren't always designed to operate at full strength in extreme weather that is outside the norm for a region - just look at what happened to Texas' electrical grid during the winter storm earlier this year.
В Портланде откючили трамваи, поскольку кабели начали плавиться, в Сиэтле пошли волнами дороги, по ним стало небезопасно ездить. В Ванкувере ожидают наводнений из за резкого таяния ледников в горах. Ну и начались отключения электрических сетей, не рассчитаных на кондиционеры - в Сиэтле они вообще есть только у 44% населения.