А потом эти сволочи воняют о российских выборах

Sep 22, 2020 15:41

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - The Green Party's candidate for president did not strictly follow procedures for getting on Pennsylvania's ballot in the November election and cannot appear on it, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday, delivering a win for Democrats as Joe Biden tries to capture the battleground state's electoral votes.
The court, with a 5-2 Democratic majority, reversed the ruling by a Republican judge in a lower court on the candidacy of Green Party presidential nominee Howie Hawkins.
All five Democrats on the court joined the majority opinion. The court’s two Republicans agreed the Green Party did not meet the law's requirements, but, in a dissenting opinion, said it might be possible to allow the Green Party to fix it retroactively.
Hawkins and Biden's campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Democrats have long gone to court to keep Green Party candidates off the ballot, worried that they will siphon otherwise liberal voters in close contests against Republicans in the politically polarized state.
In this case, Democratic party activists challenged what they said were disqualifying irregularities in how the Green Party filed affidavits for the presidential candidate that is supposed to accompany paperwork with at least 5,000 voter signatures to get on the ballot.
Initially, Green Party officials faxed in an affidavit of candidacy for a placeholder candidate - under whose nominal candidacy the party gathered the signatures - by the Aug. 3 deadline. It was submitted separately from the voter signature paperwork, which was delivered by hand.
Hawkins also submitted his affidavit to take the place of the placeholder candidate, a routine procedure used by third parties, given the necessity of gathering signatures before the party formally nominates a candidate.
But the court ruled that the law requires an original copy of the affidavit to be submitted with the signature paperwork.
“And the court said, fax is not good enough,” said Larry Otter, the lawyer handling the case for the Green Party. “They need an original.”

Короче, в Пеннсильвании не зарегестрировали кандидата от партии Зеленых на ноябрских выборах. Причина - аффидатив был передан по факсу, а нужен оригинал. И на основании этого запретили регистрацию. Решение утвердил верховный суд Пеннсильвании 5 голосов против 2, причем пять судей там... та дам! демократы. Зеленые - левая партия и голосующие за зеленых это потенциальные ихбиратели демократов, сиречь Байдена. Вот такое вот "неангажированный и справедливый суд". А вы мне дальше заливайте про судью Хахалеву, про Басманное правосудие итд. Ну и отказ в регистрации неугодных кандидатов, в чем обвиняют Россию и Путина, как оказалось, не является родовым изьяном путинской вертикали. Вот уж отнюдь нет.

Америка, политика, лицемеры

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