BRIGHTON BEACH - For residents and storekeepers on one Neptune Avenue block between Ocean Parkway and Brighton 3rd Street, being close to Lincoln High School has been an unrelenting disaster.
Massive groups of students, often high on marijuana, wreak chaos, and intimidate the neighborhood every school day, neighbors complain. The large groups of teenagers - often 60 kids or more - block entryways, dance on Dunkin’ Donuts tables, play dice games, and harass residents and store owners to the point that business owners say their commerce is interrupted and residents say it has become unsafe to leave their apartments.
The incidents are so regular that shopkeepers anticipate them to occur between 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m each school day.
“I have to prepare for them coming in the morning, their lunch, the period when school gets out and the time the kids who do detention get out,” said Ralph Perez, the manager of the S&K Pharmacy on 371 Neptune Avenue. “When I open at 9 in the morning, I always have at least four or five of them, sometimes many more blocking my door. No one wants to come here when they are here, they make this place like a ghost town.”
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Recent incidents in front of the S&K Pharmacy include groups of 50-60 students jumping on cars parked in front, damaging them, Simon Field, the owner of the pharmacy said.
“I’ve been here 20 years, the high school has always been here but it has never been this bad,” said Field. While neighbors say incidents have happened in the past, this school year has been the worst in recent memory.
Отсюда В школе, которая непосредственно на Брайтон Бич, школьные перемены внушают ужас окружающим. Школьники, накачавшись марихуаной, вламываются в разные бизнесы, носятся по столам, прыгают по машинам, повреждая их и задирают прохожих. Если что, район в целом белый, просто там живут работяги и школа хреновенькая. В черных районах вообще кошмар с перестрелками на переменах. Поэтому, когда вам очередной бруклинский гений будет заливать соловьем, какие в Америке прекрасные школы, не то что в совке, а те что плохие - это всякие ниггеры: не верьте.
И даже геев, сбежавших из нетолерантной России, в покое не оставляют:
Andrey, an openly gay lawyer also living at 384 Neptune said he fled Russia due to persecution of homosexuals, recounted how on the morning of November 14, students threatened his life and broke the entrance door on his building in an attempt to assault him.
He showed stills from security camera footage on his phone of himself fleeing the students just in the nick of time. “We have to spend about $4,000 on a new secure door to replace the old one after that,” said Andrey.
Yet that was not the only upsetting incident. “About two weeks ago, one of them kicked my mom in the butt, she doesn’t like to go out anymore,” said Andrey.