Забавно слышать от иностранца

Sep 07, 2019 00:46

When Vladimir Putin first became president in 2000, he inherited an economically devastated and socially depressed country, with a grim life expectancy of only 65.5 years. That was way behind all Western countries and at a shameful 124th position among the world’s countries. But with political stability, economic growth, and improved security under Putin coupled with decisive efforts to improve healthy lifestyles and the healthcare system, the situation has rapidly changed for the better. According to the latest figures for 2019H1, Russian life expectancy has shot up to 74 years (to be precise, 73.7). Russian women now have an average expected life span of 78 years and men 68. That’s a ten-year gap between the sexes. But the situation back in 2000 was especially extremely dire for men, who then had an average life expectancy of only 59 years. That means a 16% improvement by now. In the same period, women have seen their odds go up by 8%, so the gap is indeed closing.
Русские мужики в 2000 жили в среднем 59 лет, сейчас - 68. Это не ожидаемая продолжительность, это средняя. Вот что значит вести более здоровый образ жизни и следить за здоровьем. В успехи медицины я слабо верю. Плюс меньше стало убийств и суицидов, которые тоже портили статистику.


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