Нам пиздец

Mar 18, 2017 13:48

President Trump’s budget calls for a seismic disruption in government-funded medical and scientific research. The cuts are deep and broad.
They also go beyond what many political observers expected. Trump had made clear that he would target the Environmental Protection Agency, but the budget blueprint calls for a startling downsizing of agencies that historically have received steady bipartisan support. The National Institutes of Health, for example, would be cut by nearly $6 billion, about a fifth of the NIH budget.
The Energy Department also faces a shake-up. It is one of the nation’s largest employers of scientists and engineers. Thousands of people work in each of the national laboratories, such as the one in Los Alamos, N.M., where the atomic bomb was invented more than seven decades ago. The administration wants to boost the funding for maintenance of the nuclear weapons stockpile, but outside of that one program, Energy would see a 17.9 percent budget cut.

Трамп хочет сократить на 20% (6 миллиардов) бюджет NIH. Ну а физикам грозит сокращение тоже почти на 20% но из бюджета департамента энергетики. Зато вояки и воробуржуйчики разгуляются! Вернее, воякам опять-таки достанется немного, а вот украсть будет можно еще больше

Америка, наука, экономика

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