Jesus titty-fucking Christ it's cold outside....

Jan 13, 2005 09:10

it's -33°C this morning WITHOUT windchill. that's just effin' LAME. There's only so many layers of clothes a person can wear and still maintain some semblance of style without looking like a complete tard. AND I'M STILL FROZEN TO THE BONE!

*one more week..... one more week.... POWER..........*

I went out with Bingo Steve after work last night and it was lots of fun. we watched a couple episodes of the new Battlestar Galactica series at his place and then went for supper at Eastbound. mmmmmm Bento #1.... then we came back to my house and hooked up Steve's laptop to my TV and watched cartoons. he introduced me to this new show called Drawn Together and it was really funny. we watched all 7 episodes. he also showed me how to make popcorn in a pot on the stove and it was the best popcorn i've ever had. :) it was fun. i missed hanging out with Steve. we're going to make every Wednesday "Nerd Night" from now on. hehe.

man am i ever unmotivated today. I just want it to be 5:00 already.
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