Apr 27, 2009 12:50
Sorry about the long ramble to come, I need to tackle this thing more often:
Recently on 'The Gryphon Unhhinged':
Just got back from FCN.
Had a fairly good time. What made it for me was being able to see some friends I had lost touch with somewhat. Its amazing how life can pull in funny directions. Missed out on seeing a few friends who are local to that part of Michigan due to schedule though.
Drykath got his suit repaired and got some time in with it. We recently had picked up a USB video camera and I took a fair amount of footage of the Fursuit Parade. From what I've viewed so far, we should have some good stuff to post once he has edited some of the learning curve focus and moving footage out.
Sikes was able to go spend some time on the range with a local friend and got his gun fix on.
All in all, it was an ok trip.
Recently, work has increased my hours to handle the vastly expanded client census I am dealing with in group. If growth rates continue (and with OH alcohol sales having peaked at 5x what they were before the Recession they should), I should be full time in the next few months. I am doing my paid clinical hours for my licensure and making fair progress.
There have been some health issues and family needs going on back in PA that require me to make it back there more. My father had a transplant of both lungs a few years back and some complications have had him in and out of care recently. Mostly for blood pressure and blood sugar.
That all being taken into account, I resigned the security chief job for Morphicon this week as I have no way to guarantee that I can or can't be physically present at that event. I felt that it needed a full time commitment that I just can't assure myself is possible. If I'm free then, I may still go and help as I can. Or I may be doing 1 of the dozen or so other things that need my attention, including taking time to do something that is actually fun for me at this point (if Murphy smiles on me and things somehow all line up...)
I find myself now budgeting time the way I had to with cash while in school. The winner of the cost/benefit analysis gets the most of what is available.
I've been gravitating back to the SCA of late. Its Tournament Season which means things are easy to get to, even with a variably crazy schedule. I'm finally working towards all the updates to my gear I've been contemplating for the last few years. I've had some good days out on the field, which really does a lot for cutting my stress levels and making me laugh and smile more than I had for a bit. That is where the lion of my dubious amounts of free time will go.
Amtgard has been the other constant as Sundays allow. Its similar enough to keep me SCA ready, while being a bit lighter key. First love still SCA though, and my participation will show it.
I will stick with the Camarilla, even though I've liked less and less of what I've seen lately. It will just have to be an occasional thing while I'm in SCA busy season.
Furry is taking the tail on the last dog in line. I'm just burned out on the qualities and behaviors I see as more and more prevalent. What made the Con fun for me was certain people. These people would be my friends even if we didn't have an interest in Anthropomorphics in common. They are the cool, loyal, have my back and I have theirs types. Thats what seems to be the most important to me these days. One of the reasons, besides time/money/move that pushed me away from the SCA for awhile was me not seeing loyalty or friendship over a bad situation a few years back. It is important to me to see accountability for actions in any group I give time to. With all the 'Furs' I've had to peel off my relationship and the general reaction that by not being 'normal' ie subscribing to the current Judeo-Christian standard of what is a relationship...that I somehow deserve such rude and stupidly destructive behavior being aimed at me/us. It seems there is an overwhelming trend that "its ok for Furs to be clueless, nasty, or harm others, but if you point it out...you're a horrible person."
Sorry, I call foul on that. So, thus, not a life I'm going to be giving much to for awhile.
Dry and Sikes still have interests there, so I won't be completely gone, but my participation (and more important, my tolerance for furry stupidity) will be at a minimum.