Hi again. I'm kind of upset (still '-_-). I have been having a better day than last week. Last week was such a JOY. fun fun fun. yeah (righttt....). So here's this weeks rotation.
1. If you download, COMMENT OR DIE!
2. Delete in 24 hours, they are only for sampling.
3. I am not resopnsible if your computer corrupts in anyway (I can't
make you download a song).
4. I used YouSendIt to upload it's Great-ness
5. Support the Artists by Buying their CD, kk? ^_^
6. Enjoy! ^ ^
These Songs will expired May 1
Name: Do it! Now
Artist: Morning Musume
Language: Japanese
Album: No.5 by Morning Musume
Length: 4:23
Rating: 10/10
Comments: This is another (and again with the anothers) one of my favorite songs. When I seen the title I think "another hyper song". It's totally not. I think it kind of reminds me of CRAZY ABOUT YOU by Mini Moni, but I think this one is better. MUST GET PEOPLES! ^ ^
DOWNLOAD Name: Koko ni Iruzee
Artist: Morning Musume
Language: Japanese
Album: No.5 by Morning Musume
Length: 4:26
Rating: 10/10
Comments: Love this song. It's a fun song. I love the guitar part the best and Makoto's "tru~" part. She goes cross-eyed and puffs up her cheeks in a live of this. Good song.
Name: Mini Moni Lucky! Cha Cha Cha (Video)
Type: AVI
Length: 1:16
DOWNLOAD I'm sorry I put hardly anything up. I'll try to make next week's rotation a lot bigger.