OMG WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONLY 6 DAYS?!!! - AX final post of DOOOM!!! (roomies read!)

Jun 23, 2010 22:15

So, with a certain *cough* con *cough* less that a week away and my leaving for Seattle tomorrow to return Sunday afternoon, I thought it best I get this post out ahead of time. This will be my FINAL POST before Anime Expo.  Roomies, if you don't want to see the rant.....skip to the bottom, all hotel information is there. Well shall I get started? All information that I have in my head towards the convention is posted right here...any questions or concerns please contact me on my cell 1(949)689-4203.

End thy Summer school now plz?!

My summer school for College writing 1 will end on Wednesday, day 0 of Anime expo. So far I have only my final paper to write and to just mentally prepare for the in class final. Luckily for me, the teacher moved the official final day to Wednesday so it works great for me because no I get out at the regular class time. AND I get Tuesday off to sew my arse off. Which I will be doing. I think it is a great end to a great semester, and personally I think I will have done great in the class. I worked hard and put my effort into it, so I sure hope so. Now when I get back from AX I'll have to pick up an unofficial transcript and drive it up to Fullerton so that they can place me off the English probation.

Anime Expo Cosplay Schedule.
 Wednesay Day 0;

-Nakatsukasa, Tsubaki (Soul Eater/ ???) or one of the others I'm bringing. Depends how I feel.

Thursday Day 1;

- Miria Harvent (Baccano!) For the morning probably until early evening. w/ group.

-Kujaku, Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh) for that eventing. w/ group

-Nakatsukasa, Tsubaki (Soul Eater)  to the Avatar; the last airbender midnight movie premiere.

Friday Day 2;

-Beatrice (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni) ALL FREAKIN DAY MAN!!! w/ group.

-Austria (Austrian Succession- Hetalia) might squeeze this in at night. w/ group.

Saturday Day 3;

-Jack Vessalius (Pandora Hearts) Morning for the gathering to about the time Tora wakes up. w/ group.

-Gilbert Nightray (Artbook version - Pandora Hearts) Rest of the day w/ Tora and Aya.

Sunday Day 4;

- Austria (Austrian Succession- Hetalia) All day until I leave.

(Other costumes made for convention; Alice Dress for Aya & Prussia Austrian Succession for Erica.)

Cosplay Progress.
Beatrice- 75% done: STUPID SLEEVES! Finally figured them out. Combining a Victorian era technique with something Susan told me to do and it seems to work so I'll be working on that nest tuesday pretty much all day. I need to cut the gold and glue it on, then there is adding the bottom part of the sleeves and cuting out/ ironing/ and sewing on the white pleated part to it. Add the gold there and to one last piece of the skirt. Then I need to sew the white riffle trim on, make the hair bow and chest bow then attach their respective decorations and then I will be done. Shouldn't take me longer then Tuesday if I work diligently. Got the wig today!!!!!! OMG ....OMG.....OMG....0.0.......need to trim bangs but other than that...OMG!!!
Prussia- 60% done: just need to put together the peices of the jacket and sew on the trim, collar and cuffs as well as those stupid buttons. Need to sew trim onto hat and go buy and attack a rose. Also will have to add the pearls and make spats at the con once I get hold of Erica for a second. Need to sew her cravat as well. wig styling.
Austria- 95% done: Need to sew buttons onto his vest and sew various points on his jacket to make the lapels stay in place. Need to steam/ iron it. need to find glasses...speaking of which..ANYONE HAVE A PAIR OF GLASSES I COULD BORROW?!!
Alice- 95% done:  need to sew on her side bow parts/ bring ribbon to con for corset lace up. Need to finish the necklace by adding blue ruffles and blue strands to collar line on shirt. Also need to add lace to sleeves and collar of shirt. Most of the necklace/ collar stuff has to bee done at the con unfortunately.
Miria- 98% done: Need to add black trim to bottom of sleeves and find black gloves. BLACK GLOVES?!! ANYONE HAVE A PAIR OF ELBOW LENGTH GLOVES I COULD BORROW?!
Gilbert- 95% done:  Need to readjust chest button, sew neck tie together, and hem bottom again. Also need to cut sleeves open and add white frill part.

Most of this simple stuff that I can do at the con will be done within the hour before I wear it, most of the little stuff that i cant do at a con but can do at home in minutes will be done monday night. The hard stuff is all tuesday. I will probably pack late that night and call it quite at 11pm since I will have school the next day.

Official Con Schedule.

Monday- go to class at 9am, leave around 9:15 after conference. Go to stores to buy last minute stuff. Sew all the rest of the day on Prussia, Gilbert, and Alice. Go to store and buy cucumbers, mayonnaise, & bread. Begin long packing journey.

Tuesday- Work all day on Beatrice and last minute stuff. Finish typing essay & finish packing. Make sandwiches.

Day 0- Go to class, take final and turn in paper. go home and driving up at noon. picking up Kristen and badges. Check into Westin Bonaventure around 1 to 2 pm.  Settle in for crowed night.

Day 1 - early morning transfer from Westin Bonaventure to J.W. Marriott by hotel shuttle. (this will be around 10am sharp guys) Check into two rooms or hold luggage until we can check in. Settle in the rooms and get everything and everyone situated. Cosplay for rest of day. Request late check out on Sunday. Collect last minute money.

Day 2 & 3- cosplay all dayyy!!!

Day 4 - Cosplay and last minute hall run. Jim pick up at 3:00 pm sharp. Go home and watch fireworks.



Alright roomies, it is almost here. Please read everything I have posted carefully and remember if you have any questions, contact me immediately at (949)689-4203. Commenting here will get you late replies. So on recap we have;

Room 1 for Marriott;

Room 2 for Marriott;

Keeping that in mind, I would love it if we keep to this room assignment to keep things orderly. I would also love i if you guys tried to contact a few of your room mates and coordinate what all is being brought to the convention. Keep in mind this is sort of illegal to be doing this, SOOOOOOOOO we will need to be quite and extremely cautious.

Basic guide lines;
-noise control...KEEP IT DOWN!
- keep to room assignment.
- keep 'do not disturb' signs on door. no room service or internet use. Stefani would like to not have to pay $70 extra dollars.
-keep bathrooms clean and spacious...aka when you cut a wig clean it up and keep your toiletries in a specific space. this will help keep people sane.
-food & trash...manage, put trash outside door for pick up and keep food organized.
- if we have a door between our rooms keep it open during the day.
- before you ask for extra towels or blankets please notify me.

JUST A REMINDER: for those of you present on Day 0 we will be in the Westin Bonaventure. the same rules apply however we will be asking you not to fully unpack your stuff because it will just have to be packed again when we move it to the new hotel the next day. Bring money in case we need to call a cab or tip the driver.

An now...the part you've all been waiting for; PRICES.

Day 0;

(contact me immediately if you are either not on the list and should be, or on the list and shouldn't be. I think i have this right. This is separate from your price payment below. please add the two together to get your full price. )

Tora - $17
Julia - $17
Stefani $17
Melissa (?)- $17
Elyse -$17
Kyle -$17
Scott - $17
Julie - $17
Laura - $17
Steven (?) - $17
Kristen - $17

Days 1- 4;

Alison (3 nights/ room 1- $73 )
Aya (3 nights/ room 1- $73 )
Elyse (3 nights/ room 1-  $73= pay by cash)
Erica (3 nights/ room 2- $45)
Jennifer (3 nights/ room 2- $70 = pay by cash)
Julia (3 nights/ room 1- $73 - pay by cash)
Julie (3 nights/ room 1- PAID!)
Kristen (3 nights/ room 2- $70 = pay by cash)
Kyle (3 nights/ room 2- $70 = pay by cash )
Laura (3 nights/ room 1- PAID!)
Melissa (3 nights/ room 1-$73 )
Noel (3 nights/ room 2- $70 )
Scott (3 nights/ room 2- $70 = pay by cash/check)
Stefani (3 nights/ room 2- $70 PAID!)
Steven (3 nights/ room 2- PAID!)
Ted (3 nights/ room 2- $70)
Tora (3 nights/ room 1-$73 )

PAYMENT METHOD: Payments can be made 1 of 3 ways. 1- deliver me the cash in person before the con. 2- send me a check made payable to me. 3- paypal it to my paypal account. My paypal account is under the email;       --- just send it to me there and notify me when you do. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE WITH YOUR PAYMENT METHOD - or I  will be calling every single one of you who neglects and demand to know. I REFUSE to be payed later then day 3 of the convention. I need all that money in my bank account before I make the payment on day 4. For everyone in hotel room one, you need to have paid me your full amount by 10pm day 0.

Stuff to bring.
(if I forget something post it with your payment method.)

Food List-
  • Stefani-  Mini Cucumber Sandwiches.
  • Kristen & Jennifer- Sandwiches.
  • Julie- fruit, crackers, carrot sticks
  • Laura- Ramen.
  • Elyse&Kyle - Ramen, Chef Boyardee, &Cereal.
  • Tora - Chips

Utensils List-
  • Steven- trash bags
  • Julie- microwave
  • Erica- plastic silverware (?)
Drink List-
  • Scott - Juice
  • Jennifer- yellow/green Gatorade
  • Laura- mini water bottles/ fruit juice or soda

Costume/ Prop repair stuff-
  • Stefani - Sewing Machine
Wig Stuff -
  • Jennifer - Temp. Adjustable Straightener. 
  • Julie - wig detangler
Stuff wanted-
  • plates
  • bowls
  • napkins
  • plastic cups?

Extra Notes-

- you guys might want to coordinate who all is bringing a sleeping bag, however it might be good if everyone brought a sleeping bag and one pillow just in case or to make make-shift beds.
-i know this is practically impossible but try to pack light.
-the less wig heads the better.
-TRY NOT TO BRING YOUR CAR...parking payment is EXTREMELY expensive and no there are no discounts.
-we will coordinate who gets the bed when we get there.
- PLEASE POST WHAT TIME AND BY WHAT MEANS YOU PLAN TO ARRIVE WITH YOUR PAYMENT INFORMATION. This is just to keep Stefani sane and so we can keep track.
- room keys; will be distributed to certain people by myself and tora only. We will coordinate this once everyone is in the rooms.

-WELL, I think that is it.....SEE YOU ALL AT ANIME EXPO 2010!!!

anime expo, organizing, rambling, cosplay, cons

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