
Dec 31, 2009 02:51

Where did 2009 go? Anyway a lot has happened so im just going to recap the year in full. Starting with, cosplay….since that’s why I got live journal in the first place. Just got it this year too…hrmmm. Stole this idea from Itsukayame who stole it from…someone else...cant remember.

Total Cons: 4
Total New Costumes: 13
** All highlighted in Green are new to this year. The rest are rewears.
*** Some do not have photos since I have not obtained them yet. Should ask for negatives- hmmmmm.

ALA 2009

-Lelouch Vi Britannia (emperor uniform): Code Geass

-Sweeney Todd (‘By the Sea’ Version): Sweeney Todd Movie.

-Loki (Adult Version): Matentai Loki Ragnarok.

Sakura Blossom Shoot
-Eriol Hiiragizawa (casual Yukata): Card Captor Sakura

-Éclair (2nd Version): Kiddy Grade


-Anna Rochefort (Purple Dress/ Ending Version): Le Chevalier D’eon

-Eriol Hiiragizawa (Battle Attire/ Average) : Card Captor Sakura

-Frau (Priest Uniform): 07 Ghost

-Tamaki Souh (Casual Attire): Ouran High School Host Club

Anime Expo

-Mai Kujaku (Battle City Attire): Yu-Gi-Oh
-Anna Rochefort (Purple Dress/ Ending Version): Le Chevalier D’eon
-Sailor Uranus (Sailor Scout Uniform): Sailor Moon
-Jack Vellasarius (Normal Green Coat): Pandora Hearts

Summer D.Gray Man Photoshoot
-Millenium Earl (average attire): D.Gray Man

Cannan Photoshoot.
-Cannan (Average Attire): Cannan


-Gilbert Nightray (Average Black Coat): Pandora Hearts
-Cannan (Average Attire): Cannan

-Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (Casual Attire/ Basketball episode) Soul Eater

Memorable Notes About Last Year:

-          ALA: first non-Ax con with Erica.

-          ALA: Met Konishii by cleaning room and being the only two with costume work still to do- stayed up till 6 am helping her get it done. Yay sunrise!

-          Didn’t get into U-dub. Cried lots about that.

-          Got cast in Urinetown as ensemble at school- rather pissy.

-          Went back to singing lessons with Gene Robinson- sweetest teacher ever.

-          Grandma gets really sick/ thought we would loose her. She is my idol…cried lots, happy when she recovered most of the way.

-          Goes to Sakura Blossom Thingie with bunch of people= LAWL times in back of car with Konishii making hand faces with a certain couple bickering. Enjoyed the day of photos. AMAZING DINNER -sad I forgot wear.


-          Fullerton festival- Tora comes to see but ends up cant see or she will miss train. My fault for giving her wrong campus location haha…she gets driven home by my dad when she misses train. Still wondered what they said about me in the car.

-          Birthday: got a traffic ticket for running a red light. Turns 18 OH YAH!!! Socal spring gathering= never happened. LAST DAY OF SCR....7 years in attending theird saturday acting class...I cried very very hard. Still miss it. The memories i made over the years there...well- wow.

-          Goes to middle school with drama department to teach kids not to do drugs through improve and drama. Good cause and a lot of fun!!! Lunch Mao was the best.

-          Gets my first real job at Sandellas Bakery!!! LOVED IT!!!

-          First day of work, gave blood…went in for the first time- passed out. Got taken to hospital in ambulance. It was different…

-          Signs up for Cal State Fullerton for fall 2009. oh gawd.

-          Buys my first plane ticket to get to a con, something I swore never to do. Goes to fanime 2009. enjoys it’s a bunch/ lots of memories…long drive back.

-          Urinetown runs its course- loved every minutes of it.

-          Begins work on end of the year DramaBanquet skit with Celina and Ryan. All of this planning during tutorials in economics.

-          Frantically trying to focus on grades and graduating.

-          DramaBanquet 2009 arrives, everything goes wrong up until the event…neither of my parents can make it. (step dad and sister come last minute for support)

-          I win Spirit of the Year Award for DramaBanquet 2009- awarded only to seniors who show the spirit of the theater all four years, TAKE THAT BRIGID!!! The look on her face when I win that award- priceless.

-          Again more gloating: that’s like the academy award for ANHS theaters students for best actress in a film. “making even the smallest roles big” Sain says,….ohhhh ho ho ho how many times I almost killed her for giving roles away to favorites. Suddenly worth it.

-          DramaBanquet Skit- HILARIOUS! Everyone loved. Ryan dressed as a lady bug with his signs, skit should be posted on youtube somewhere.

-          Senior Prom- Dateless but its ok, I’ll wait for Issac forever…enjoys the evening with friends and spends most of it wandering around and playing casino games or eating strawberries.

-          Finalz: due to me being in the theater I miss the now infamous “Procter Run” in which 15 teacher/ procters/ and administrators of our school where thrown into pool by students. Ended with huge pool party and even the teachers trying to get the principal in. STILL ETERNALLY BUMMED I MISSED THAT!

-          Hanging with Celina and Ryan…good times good times.

-          Hanging with Erica and Miranda…never wanna forget.


-          Graduation: morning was chaotic…the entire day seems euphoric/ I still cant believe it. Suddenly realize I loved high school…who’da thought.

-          After ceremony- family all comes to see, glad Grandma could make it. Awesome family, I love them so much…my life felt worth it and all the tears and fights and pains of high school…worth it too.

-          Grad night: partied like rockstars and tried desperately to win boxers. Failed but had fun. Going to miss high school so much- especially our planter we used to eat at every day, the drama of drama, all the shows…everything for it was tons of fun.

-          Gets on stage to be hyponotized, ends up singing carry underwood karaoke- its on youtube less that a week later. Talk about overnight hit fame sensation.

-          Anime expo crunch time- rushes to finish and still ends up having costumes to make at the con. Has a excellent time despite the weird hotel nightly switch.

-          Washington D.C. with mom and jim. Got to be a history nerd and totally geek out! Went to Molasses AKA Bull Run battle field and Steffy got confederate costume gear. YAY!!!

-          Get off flight home rushes to gathering and takes pictures with Konishii, Itsukayame, ycysusan, and others!!! TONS O FUN aside from the drama. Cant remember where we went to dinner, but it tasted amazing.

-          Camp Bravo for my last summer- too many fun memories I cant even begin to go over…I LOVE YOU PURPLE GROUP- AristoGrapes!!! Purps let me hear it “sup dog!” not getting along at first, then getting along perfectly…one big family. Nightly events, trust circle, ageing out - one week a whole lot of laughter, tears, and memories - that’s what camps all about.

-           Home again home again- last days of summer.

-          ONE AM PHONE CALL- sneaking out of the house to go to Dennies with Kristen.

-          ALL THE CAR CHATS WITH PEOPLE….always love those, now I will never want to get rid of my car, it holds so many memories.

-          Packing up my stuff for college- not so much fun.

-          Moving into College- scary shit. End up liking my room mates.

-          Creative Emmys Awards- see lots of famous people and enjoy it.

-          Celias Murder Mystery party- BEST MM IVE EVER ATTENDED!!!

-          Cannan Photo shoot with Erica and Elizabeth- ohh sooo much fun. Is officially turned into a Gleek.

-          Dad tells us they are moving to Seattle. Helping them move- very very detached from it all.

-          Halloween with Julia, tora, etc. enjoyed it but was bummed that Halloween seems to be dying.

-          PMX - gawd I needed a con. AWESOME CON it was so much fun and soo needed. Enjoyed hanging out with everyone.

-          Takes cat Inky to get put down. Still remembers taking him in the car, still can feel him in my arms. The memory or meer mention of his name still brings tears to my eyes.

-          Rest in bliss Inky.

-          Finalz: still haven’t gotten grades.

-          Step dads mother passes away. Rest in Peace Grandma Mimi. She was so beautiful.

-          Acting Track 1 Christmas Party- epic fun, acting track 1 was sooooo much fun with everyone! I will miss you all.

-          Dorm Christmas Party- Got drunk and hated it. Detached from whole situation.

-          Christmas Cosplay Gathering 2009- for all the hell we went through this year, it ended up being a lot of fun. The after hang out was fun too.

-          Sewing into the new year!

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: start working out and be more responsible. otherwise live life just as fun and full as i have!.

2009, cosplay, new year, conventions, review, memories

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