To: My wonderful Twitter followers ♥

Jan 25, 2013 17:18

久しぶり! ! ! \(^^)/
How are you guys?!

It's been a while ne!! >< sorry I haven't been
on much now a days...well not on at all but I just wanted I am
still alive!! xD

I am sorry if I have caused any trouble or for not replying
to your tweets if you have tweeted to me I sincerely
apologize for not replying 本当にごめんなさい m(_ _)m

But please know I miss flailing with you guys like there
is no tomorrow!!!! T___T seriously there are times
when things happen that I'm lik
but cant...won't do so ._.

Perfect examples of those moments are:

Kame's HR project!!
The General in LUCK 7
Expose single PV previews!!
Junno's epic solo magazine shoots!!! jfhgakjersgsgl
and a bunch of other stuff that has happened.

So yeah ummm know that I miss every single one of
you!! I have learned that life without Twitter is POSSIBLE
not as fun lol. Specially to an addict like me lmao xD

I seriously can't wait to flail with you
guys again!! T^T)/ ~♥

Love ya and miss ya~

rambling, random

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