October 2014 duet: SEXY ZONE ALL MEMBERS

Oct 02, 2014 16:47

I'm going to do the members one by one ^.^

I want to make my dance better. After Gamushara Sexy NatsuMatsuri, I want to become better at dancing and I think I can do it too! ...That's the confidence I was able to develop (from the concert). From about last year, I wanted to master the basics, and I was thinking of going to dancing lessons but at the time, I didn't have enough time. Now's the chance for me to level up! I don't want to be able to just simply become a better dancer, so I've made a goal of developing my own style of dance too. This time, when I was dancing with Matsukura-kun and Matsuda-kun, I didn't try to correlate my dance style to theirs, but instead thought about how I should show myself, as the center, through dancing. We chose the songs that we sung in our corner too. I chose Seed, Matsukura chose Crush, and Genta and I chose Give me... Did our individualities show? For the time being I'm going to concentrate on my dancing!

I'm probably supposed to leave people who are feeling down alone, but I think I'm the type to ask if something's wrong. And if they don't say anything then I silently sit beside them. I hope I'm giving them a sense of security and courage. I always give advice on my friends' relationship problems. I'm really interested in talking about love. <3 On the other hand, for people who are down because they got a bad mark on their test, I'm only way I can make them feel better is by telling them that I got a mad mark too... haha

Yesterday was Gamushara's concluding party. We told each other that "We should do something with this memeber again," and we promised to have a closing party in the land where dreams come true [a.k.a. disneyland in japan]. Yasui-kun, who's nice like a mother and reliable like a father, was really considerate of us, and I love him now<3 [*screams internally while tearing up*]. Hanzawa-kun bought us energy drinks, Juri-kun gave us troches, and so many people supported me through out. [I'm really happy for Sou because his time as a Junior was really short, so he must have missed out on a lot of these moment as a Junior]. The number of people who are special to me grew, and it was the best summer.


Something I want to challenge is overseas dance lessons. I know it's important to go to my daily dance lessons in Japan, but I want to have a bigger range of experiences. My fans would probably get bored of me if they saw the same Marius every time too. The ideal for me is to be able to go overseas twice a year to get dancing, singing and acting lessons. At night I'd go watch the shows and musicals at that place. Of course, this is just another part of learning. Also, I want to do English lessons too. My dream for the future is to appear in a Hollywood movie and a Broadway too! To do that, I need to be good at dancing and singing as well as mastering English. I'll become a Marius that's trying harder than right now.

If there's a person who's really down, I would hug them instead of talking to them. And if it's a person who's tired because she/he's tried too hard, I'd say to them, "How about you take a break?" When I was learning Japanese, there'd be times where I wanted to just stop and I felt really exhausted too. At times like those, give your brain a rest. There might be people who think that's a waste of time but cooling down is really important. Once I empty out my brain, I look at myself when I'm in bed just before I go to sleep. I refresh myself like this! I'd really recommend this to people who are trying hard!

Yesterday was Gamushara Sexy Natsumatsuri's concluding party. There were 3 performances a day, so it was really tiring but hearing the fans screaming in the first performance gave me strength and helped me overcome it. The second performance would make me sad because I knew there'd only be one more performance left, and when the third performance ended my eyes would tear up a little bit. We said "otsukare~" [a word people say to each other in japan after a lot of hard work. it's a polite to say it because it recongnises the efforts of the person you're saying it to.] We huged each other lots too. At the closing party in the dressing rooms, Yasui-kun toasted for all of us! The pizza we ate together was really nice! I'll never forget the memories I made this summer.

[aww marius!! i love how marius talks like he's 50 x'D bro calm down, you 14 still hahaha jk ily marius<3 i'm so glad he enjoyed his summer too! cX]

I'm not going to give up trying to go to a river! Even at my solo concert, I was asked what my goal was for summer, and I told them that it was to go to a river. The reporter looked a little disappointed about my answer haha. I'm not misunderstanding the question. This year, I'm going to go to a river. I want go rafting, and jump into the river that flows and is surrounded in nature. I want to have fun playing in the river. I've liked it since I was little. I couldn't go last year, but I got to go to the beach to film Summer Nude and it helped me tolerate [the fact that I wasn't able to go]. I'm even talking about buying a boat with a friend that also liked rivers! I fantasize about renting a car, taking a boat and the barbecue set, then going fishing and eating sweet fish! But none of us [as in him and his friends] have even got a driving license yet!
When you're feeling down, a part of you wants to talk about it all, but another part of you wants people to leave you alone. So, it doesn't matter how close of a friend I am, I know that there are things you can ask about and there are things you shouldn't push. There's a fine line between the two. I can usually tell where the line is. You want to be able to lift some worries off their shoulders... Saying things striaighout or saying things in a joking way depends on the person and situation, but I like being able to let them know that "I believe in you, so it'll be okay." I think phones are good too. You can't see their face but you can hear their voice. Actually, despite looking like this, I often give advice to my friends and kouhai's. When I think that the people ar relying on me, it doesn't matter how tired I am, I talk with them until they're feeling better.
Yesterday, I was asleep until about midday, and went to film Sexy Zone Channel. [*skips line because i don't understand it*] In the afternoon I was at rehearsals for the concert. ABC-Z was in the same studio as me. I went to greet them but they were practising as if they were performing it live and they took me in awe. Then Tsukada-kun said purposely in a loud voice, "Shori's come to watch us! You're probably trying to steal our production [ideas]!" But no one retorted so I laughed nervously and said, "I- I wouldn't do that hahaha" and returned to my rehearsals haha. When I got home I check the radio. I've recently started listening to popular music in America through an iPhone Application.

The role I'm playing in GTO is really challenging me. My character in the film comes across a problem that he can't solve on his own. The uncertaintity he carries, and the the actions he will carry out - I want to be able to carefully act the emotions whithin him, and be able to convey that to the people watching the drama. And also, it's the first time my role's ever had a girlfriend. In a sense, this was another challenge for me too. The people around me kept telling me that I would make the fans' heart go *doki doki* but my fans would be understanding and accept it! [oh the cringe of not being able translate this part without making him sound stupid, gomenne >.<] ... in saying that it is my first role [with a girlfriend] and there may be girls who are watching me with complicated feelings. But because I'm trying really hard to get this right, I want you guys [the people reading this] to be able to watch it until the end. No, I'm going to believe that you are. I'm going to do my best because I reckon my experience in this'll become my confidence when I get offered future roles!

I give advice to both girls and boys, but helping friends who are down, is unexpectedly difficult. I'm saying this from my own experience, but when you're really down, you get irritated at anything anyone says. Of course there are times where it helps, but I can't help thinking, "You don't know anything." So, in my case, if I see someone who's really down, I leave them alone haha. But I try to stay by their side as much as I can and wait for words to come out of their mouth. If there are any people reading this who are having blue days, maybe you could try approaching the people who are always by your side?

Yesterday, I was filming for GTO all morning. I skipped breakfast and ate an onigiri they had prepared for me at the location of the film. There are a lot of serious scenes, but the actual filming environment's the best. The airhead Shinta [okay i'm guessing names now feel free to correct me] is loved by everyone, and Ryo, despite his cool exterior, is really funny when he talks! Machi and xxx, are usually always with me. The drama's almost coming to an end, and when we think about it, it makes us sad so a lot of us try to keep near each other :p. After filming, I went to rehearse for the concert for the rest of the day. We ran through the whole thing just to confirm we had everything right. It probably took 2 - 3 hours. I got home at about 9, ate some gyoza, had a bath and got straight to sleep!

I'm trying to build up at the moment. I'm remodelling my muscles. Especially because I have wide soldiers, I want strong, sturdy boob muscles [sorry, i forgot what they're called]. All of this might be because I've been looking at kakkoii soccer players too much?! I'm going to start by doing msucle training I can do at home. Even if I do say so myself, I had a good body during "Bad Boys J." I went to the gym during that period of time, and built up my body. But I had a little rest during "Loveholi" and "Silver Spoon", and I haven't done any training since. I've had mroe time recently, but I keep playing soccer games (^^;). I should use that time to train my muscles. No, maybe I should do both simultaneously? Sit up whilst holding the controller... or not haha. I'll tell you just in case but I'm not trying to get bulky, I want to increase my stamina, with my drama starting and all. I'll just start with 30 sit ups and work my way up to 100.

How I react in reagrds to people who are down... I'm the type of person who can't really open up their feelings when they're down, so I'm a bit timid about talking to people who are sad [about why they're sad]. Because being sad and hurt, is like a part of someone that wants to be seen the least. But it's also the part that people want to understand the most. So I'd avoid direct questions like "What's wrong?" and take the long way. Like I'd say, "Your face looks pretty even when it looks like you're hiding that you're feeling sad/melancholy." It'd be great if she smiled at that. [okay if someone said that to me i would punch them in the face this is why kento and i can never be gf/bf]

Yesterday I woke up early and I played the piano I hadn't played in a while. I played "Eien no Merry Go Around" in the morning sunlight and it created a fair mood. Next, I went to film for Sexy Zone Channel. I went to Lotte (who's being taking care of us in the commercials). For lunch, Shori, our manager and I went to eat sushi. The Chirashi Sushi was great! In the afternoon, I met up with Fuma and we went for the concert rehearsals together. We finished pretty quickly so I went home and cleaned my room. My desk was messy with assignments and stuff from university. They say that your desk represents the state of the inside of your brain. So I took an hour to clean the desk and feel refreshed. Afterwards I did some muslce tra- I mean I played soccer games. I'll do my muscle training starting today! okay?!

fangirling, 5exy zone, translation

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