Title: Love Thy Self
Status: Complete; Drabble [340 words]
kikutan Pairing/band: ManabuxManabu/ScREW
Comments: This is the shortest thing I’ve ever written…and I’m fairly pleased with it~!
Summary: Narcissism at its finest.
they were addicting; )
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Especially when he shows off his tummy~!
Glad you liked it~ :3
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Ooh, I don't read a lot of it, because I'm not a huge fan of ScREW, and I don't really know who anyone is aside from Byou and Manabu.
But, I'm getting better~ -headdesk-
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But it's pretty damn amazing lol.
I don't think I really have a favorite though I do have regular spaz attacks over Manabu. XD
And and...what about underwear? :B
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I need to download more Screw lol XDDD
I'm not complaining either~ :B
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I downloaded Wailing Wall, Raging Blood and Gather Roses. X3
Oooh that's so cool :3 I wish I could play an instrument .o.
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I have no sense of rhythm or anything like...I couldn't even play a recorder. XD
I'd be totally hopeless with an instrument.
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I do when I'm alone sometimes I guess o.o and karaoke is always fun lol
You mean..'Of Try-hards and Cowardice', the ShuuxMao one? I need to update that >.< -fails-
But thank you~ :3 I don't know what it is about Mao's neck but...I find it really attractive .o. -is weird-
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Protection is very good~ :3
Haha yess~ His neck makes me want to nom on it -headdesk-.
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