***!~~MORE MEME RANDOMNESS~~!** (KHR again XD)

Jun 18, 2009 23:02

1. Answer the questions honestly.
2. Tag as many people as the number of your KHR Bishounen/Bishoujo

Ready… Set… KYOKUGEN!!!

What do you think about:

Vongola Guardians
Sawada Tsunayoshi (Tsuna)-   he's very cute ,and looks fun to torture

Gokudera Hayato-  has a very bad temper, and a bit obsessive but still smexy

Yamamoto Takeshi- so airheaded , but in cute way,he seems like someone who'd be very easy to talk to some reason

Hibari Kyouya-  <3 <3 <3 KYOYA SAMA LOVE YOUUUUU

Rokudou Mukuro-  i would stalk him every day <3 and follow everywhere ,so smexy

Sasagawa Ryouhei-  he's very cheerful and loud..very loud..and random

Child Lambo- annoying but cute :D

Ten Years Later Lambo- an airhead in some ways,still cute

Twenty Years Later Lambo- hot XD

Kuromu Dokuro- MOE! <3

Reborn- just plain kick ass

Colonnello- very demanding

Lal Mirch- kick ass as well

Skull-very interesting

Cavallone Family
Dino Cavallone- cute personality

Romario- dino's personal maid

Dino’s Random Backstage Men- dont have an opion on them reall, loyal i guess

XANXUS, pretty scary but <3

Superubi Squalo- smexy

Belphegor- very violent but in <3 way

Mammon/Viper- annoying

Levi A Than- creepy

Lussuria- funny but scary

Gola Moska- *stays away*


Millefiore Family
Byakuran-  smexy

Uni- very pretty

Irie Shouichi- cute ^^
Glo Xinia- pedophile XD ..yes definatly

Electrico Gamma- has a good heart on the inside...maybe

Nozaru- cute ^^

Tazaru- uhh.....

Genkishi- Byakuran's personal slave

Iris Youka- a little too messed up XD

Gingerbread- shota j/k XD


Leonardo Lippi- cute ^^

Baishina- bleh

Dendro Chilum-bleh

The Death Stalk-bleh


Consulenza Esterna Della Family
Sawada Iemitsu- SUPPORTIVE

Basil- Very proper

M.M.- annoying little girl XD

Lancia- what happened to him anyway?

Birds-a pedophle as well, but his birds are cute

Joushima Ken- cute in his own way

Kakimoto Chikusa- i love you glasses boy XD

JiJi and DiDi-scary

Bianchi-kick ass

Child I-Pin

Ten Years Later I-Pin- cute

Sasagawa Kyouko- very pretty

Miura Haru- looks too much like tsuna's momo

Kurokawa Hana- seems alot more mature

Fuuta- fuu-kun ^^

Dr. Shamal- as scary as always

Yamamoto’s Father- awesome

Kusakabe Tetsuya- kyoya's slave XD

Uni’s Mother- pretty ^^

The Cervello- i want to throw bricks at them plz

Naito’s Girlfriends- unique....

Uri - <3

Grown Uri- i like little uri better

Hibird- KYAAA <3 SO CUTE

Kangaryuu- kickass

Sky Hedgehog- so adorable

Muku-Owl- LOVE

Kraken de Pioggia- silmy and bleh

Falco de Pioggia

Gamma’s Electrico Foxes - cool

Baishina’s Serpente Tempesta- bleh

Baishina’s Cervo Volante bel Otto-meh

Genkishi’s Sea Slugs- XXD funny *remembers picuture of one stuck on on genkishis face)

Lal Mirch’s Centipedes- cool

Skull’s Octopus

Colonnello’s Falcon- reminds me of the american eagle or something  XD

Reborn’s Chameleon- <3

Mammon/Viper’s Frog/Dragon Thing, is cute aswell

Gingerbread’s Ragno Ciel Sereno- i cant remember XD

Belphegor's Visone Tempesta- ....dear god the thing has his same hairstyle wtf XD

TYL Characters
For this section, if you are not at this point in the story, say what you think they will look like.
If you are at this point in the story, but we have not seen the character, again, say what you think they look like.
For characters you have seen if you are at this point in the story, also say what you think of them, please.

TYL Sawada Tsunayoshi (Tsuna)- i think he'll probably have a tougher personality but still is gentil self

TYL Reborn - probably the same as always ^^

TYL Gokudera Hayato- still very loyal and <3

TYL Yamamoto Takeshi- not as naeive as he used to be

TYL Sasagawa Ryouhei- still the same except older looking  XD

TYL Hibari Kyouya- SOOOO <3333333

TYL Hibird- still as adorable as always

TYL Rokudou Mukuro- *melts all over the place and drowns* need i say more? XD

TYL Lambo- <3

TYL Fuuta- still cute fuu kun

TYL Basil- still his basily self prabably XD

TYL XANXUS- alot smexier

TYL Superubi Squalo- as awesome as always

TYL Belphegor- also alot smexier

TYL Mammon/Viper- i dont know

TYL Levi A Than- scarier

TYL Lussuria- scarier also XD

TYL Gola Moska-Isnt he destroyed?

TYL Kuromu Dokuro- very pretty, snd maybe alot more mature personality

TYL Colonnello- smexy

TYL Lal Mirch-very headstrong

TYL Bianchi- alot more caring

TYL Dr. Shamal-scary as always

TYL Dino Cavallone-hotter

TYL Romario-hmm doesnt seem to have changed much

TYL Enzio- same too

TYL Kusakabe Tetsuya- still very loyal

TYL Sasagawa Kyouko- very pretty , ithink her hair looks better longer ^^

TYL Miura Haru- proabably as caring as always,she 's so similar to tsuna's mom it int even funny XD

TYL Kurokawa Hana-very caring

TYL Kakimoto Chikusa- hot <3

TYL Joushima Ken- <3

TYL M.M.- idk

TYL Birds- wow he;s een more old XD

TYL Lancia- hope he comes back

TYL Naito Longchamp- probably as cooky as always

1. Who is your favorite character(s)? Mukukro

2. Who is your favorite hetero pairing(s)? mukuroxchrome

3. What is your favorite yuri pairing(s)? not really a fan of yuri ^^;

4. What is your favorite yaoi pairing(s)? 6927, 6918, 692718, belxfran

5. Is there a pairing you don’t like or hate, but still favorite art/read fanfics or doujinshi of? not really any i can think of

6. What would you give to get your bishounen(s)/bishoujo(s)? i'd  give up eating  chocolate for year  XD

7. The most traumatic pairing for you is...

8. If you had a chance to get one Vongola ring which one would you choose? hmm mist probably

9. You meet Bianchi on your way and she wants to give you her new poisoned cake-what do you do? i'd take it but wouldnt eat it XD

10. What's your favorite pattern on Tsuna's shorts? the fish XD

11. What do you think Hibari does in his free time? knits clothes for Hibird, beat up little children

12. Do you think Mukuro really likes pineapples/teddy bears? yes ,he's just a little priince isnt he? XD

13. How many men has Lussuria slept/done? probably alot more than one would think

14. Is Spanner a pedophile? maybe

15. If Spanner offered you a lollipop, would you take it? yeah :D

16. What do you think Shouichi keeps on his second laptop? hidden yoai all over the place XD

17. How do you think the series will end? by the defeat of the millifiore, everyone going back to normal, something like that  i guess, but we all know amano sensei likes to trick us with her random plot twists XD

Now, since it is the end of this meme masterlist, express your feelings toward your bishounen(s)/bishoujo(s) LOVES THEM ALL <3 <3

okay im sure everyone is tired of my randomenss ,but ill update with more fanart and maybe some fanfics soon <3

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