Because I like the Alphabet, too

Mar 21, 2005 21:16

[A is for age:] 22 1/2 (yes, I still count the 1/2s :P)

[B is for books you're reading:] If it's not for class and not during finals or breaks, I'm not reading books. Live Journal and fanfics yes, but no books ^^;;

[C is for career:] Art + library = Something cool

[D is for your dad's name:] Which starts with D

[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] My homework, so I can justify the time, and hugs. And patience

[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Jellyhead by Crush?, My random DDR songs

[G is for girlfriend:] Ummm.... Not sure I could handle a girlfriend and a boyfriend at the same time...

[H is for hometown:] San leandro/Hayward

[I is for instruments you play:] Absolutely none

[J is for jam or jelly you like:] Strawberry (with cheddar cheese, yum :)

[K is for kids:] Scare me. Really a lot.

[L is for living arrangements:] Dorm 10, yay!

[M is for Mother's name:] Mommy! (Jan)

[N is for name of your best friends:] Ben and Brandon (who have the same birthday, 3 years apart, which is cool but random)

[O is for overnight hospital stays:] None of those, thanks. Visits are tough enough. My number one goal when I had pneumonia was to stay out of the hospital.

[P is for phobias:] Spiders, needles, dinosaurs (Drew: "How can you have a phobia about something that doesn't exist?")

[Q is for quotes you like:] "I wish all of life was singing and killing people," Jessica, on Halo "Comforbility," Megan's new word "You remind me of people on E when you're tired," Drew, about me, because when I'm tired I pet things and look at pretty colors (i.e the purple gel wrist guard by his keyboard)

[R is for a relationship that lasted longest:] Me and Ben 4 1/2 years and counting...

[S is for are you wearing socks:] Mommy makes my socks, and I love them. I just got off work, or I'd be wearing some right now.

[T is for time you wake up:] Between 7:35am and 1:00pm. Average: 8:45am And I go to bed between 11pm and 3:30 am

[V is for vegetable you love:] Green beans, corn, peas, carrots (i.e. exactly today cafe veggies :)

[X is for x-rays you've had:] Chest x-ray for pneumonia

[Y is for yummy food you make:] Fudge. Lots and Lots of fudge. And Queslets.

[Z is for hours of Zzzzzzzzzzzzs that you function best on:] About 9. What I get: 7 or less.
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