Dec 31, 2012 00:28

2012 is coming to an end,
i had hardly touched my livejournal for very very long.
too old. 
duno what to write.
write also only when i not in good mood. lol
but now still ok.

I dun have much inspiration to write to be precise.

Anyway, for the past 1 year, i have been through a lot.
happy and sad.

attending Chinese wedding on my own (without my parents this time), attended 1 indian wedding alone also last year.
(talks abt wedding, many people got married this year due to dragon year. and quite a number of people around me are either getting married soon or just got engaged. Congrats people!)

went to USS (universal studio of singapore) with Diana and Jade

went to Harry Potter Museum with Diana, Jade, Garcia and Jun

Grandma falling sick.

The end of the world on 22 Dec (which didn't come)

Went to Sunway Lagoon (with dar) for the 1st time. Had great fun and more fear from ridding roller coasters or those fast rides. getting old.

Went to Bangkok with Garcia. which is fun and fruitful trip. my first time to Bangkok too. Thanks Garcia for bringing me around. xD bought a lot of things especially clothes. Very cheap there!

Went to KL again just recently for Comic Fiesta again. and nua through the whole week. had a photoshoot during xmas. went sunway pyramid again for shopping. also went to bukit bintan, chinatown, klcc and time square.

Went through my first audit (for my company) on my 2nd year of work. and found out a lot of things i didn't know after i worked for so long and got scolded for it. haha. sorry la. i only focus on what i always do.

finally finished my first big cross-stitch piece.

looks like there's quite a number of "first time" being contributed this year. until now then i realised. hahaha.

List of cosplay done for this year:
1. Victorique wedding version from gosick (Cosfest Day 1)
2. Nanoha wedding version from MSLN (Cosfest Day 2)
3. Lisabeth black smith version from Sword Art Online (AFA and photoshoot)
4. Lily casual version from MSLN force (Comic Fiesta)
5. Fate Uniform from MSLN Force (photoshoot)

I have yet come out with any resolution for next year. Hope i have more time to do my own thing? lol. when i spent too much time with my dar. will that be possible?

later in the day going to eat suki-ya with dar. x3

Hope everyone do well for the new year! and Happy Holiday!!

life, new year

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