After 7 yrs

Dec 04, 2011 11:01

After graduating from secondary sch, I had hardly contact people from my class (not sch, at least am still in contact with garcia. Lol)

After 7 yrs, htein lin asked for gathering. Not much turned up. But at least got more than 10. Had a fun night, listening to the guys talk abt sch, army, cars. (all I duno how to talk topic)

Almost everyone still looks the same.

Saw huiyu's son (the only married guy in our class). Adorable, dun let ppl get close to him, smile is great, but scream also loud and sharp. Rofl. Likes to run abt also. (he just started walking and is only 14mths olds. His parents say that his teeth were fully grown at 8mth. Kids nowadays grow up very fast sia)

The other married in our class, lijin wasn't there, as she was back on austrailia? Heard from htein lin.

Hence we are looking who will be the next to get married. Rofl

Went to sakura buffet at jurong safra for gathering dinner. Unexpectedly, the food there is much more better than the other sakura international buffets that I had went to. However, the service there is quite poor. The waitress that send food over, is just like walk pass n throw the food on the table. All of them dun smile somemore. What is worst, when they came up to clear table, when our table is full of finished plate, they just clear one to two plates and nvr come back. With safra card, u can enjoy 10% discount. I will reconsider again whether to go back there to eat again.

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