Events happened for the pass month to today

Dec 19, 2010 07:06

Ok... I know I had not update for super long time. (am not the only one. xD)

I have left Matrix Vision on 31 Nov.

Went for interviews for the last 2 weeks of Nov.

1 Dec - 7 Dec went to Hong Kong for a small trip.
Thanks to my beloved sis... I hardly get to sleep well
Thanks you my hongkee aunts and uncles the warm welcome, bringing us out, brought us out to eat, buy disneyland tickets for us to go and accomdating us at ur house for stay (instead of going to hotels)
Got to meet my hongkee cousins and her adorable twins babies (one boy one girl)
LOK LOK, ah yee miss u here ~ xD

8 Dec, reach back sg. Saw sms saying that NUH willing to pay me the same amt of salary as my previous job.
another agent urgently looking for me.
But i ignored all msg. xD
unpacked stuffs.
bring stuffs to ecchi house (mr. Shin ones and Bardiche)
and went there to play. xD
tried my new mobile broadband on the train. but cos raining... the internet sux to big hell.

9 Dec, got a call from the agent who put me to NUH, asking me down to sign the contract.
I had interview later on that day. Hence told her will get back to her by the night.
while having breakfast with garcia aka gargar, was being called saying the interview has been rescheduled to friday. which i cancelled it and accepted the NUH one.
then went to watch Hetalia Movie with Gargar ~ ^^ Hetalia Ruz~! haha....
after that goes to shopping with gargar and went to sign contract.
What a wonderful day ~

10 Dec, went down to NUH to sign contract, get uniform, do medical checkup.
stupid doc that did the bloodtest...
duno how he does until there's a small red dot that sustain for 2 to 3 days on the place where he drew out my blood. >.>

11 Dec, dad went to china.
i went out to watch rapunzel with Diana n Di Ren.
then ktv. then dinner. xD

13 Dec, Brand new day of starting work. Learnt quite a number of things. Work load still alright. as long as it is not stressful as Matrix. XD

15 Dec, Mr. Shin is back.
Made me sad and cry.
when was excited and happy.
Heart pouring session 2. (1 was when he left for taiwan earlier)

16 Dec, he came to bring me out for dinner. apologizing? >.> sort of.
went for dinner at lai lai.
go play jubeat.
then walk walk around.
invite me to ecchi house for dinner n movie. he cooking for me.
then he send me home.
got better.
invites medi to ecchi house too

17 Dec, goes to ecchi house
help medi choose her ite courses.
waits for dinner from extremely hungry to not hungry.
speggy is oily. >.< but nice.
watch Nanoha 1st movie (yes, the dvd is here. and i love the gown version of FATE-SAMA)
play unblock me while watching.
didn't watch much of it... cos saw chrono. >.>
then got bad news.
got tired.
finish movie at 11.45pm
no more train. so he sent me home via cab and took the same cab back. The driver was stunned. xD

18 Dec, outing with him, eternal, simca, hayate, yan yan and diana
went to find medi at her shop (w/o hayate n dia)
went to biefu ranmen (w/o dia)
directed wrong building to hayate and went to find her... >.<
goes to cuppage ktv (with everyone)
yan yan and hayate are like commenting that i was collecting pokemons. hahaha... cos i have to collect yanyan from chinatown, hayate from china square and Diana from 313.
Had fun during singing~!!!
classics english songs are damn fun!
he sent me back home.
had 3rd heart pouring session.

19 Dec, I am going out with him for movie with ecchi,simca n Diana~ see ya later.

life, movies, ktv

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