Dec 04, 2006 20:39
last night,私わ found out something. hehe... didn't realised that Alvina so 会那么会撒娇。。。 lol... 超厉害的说!! cos he wants me to pei him to the 绝对SuperStar. でも。。。 私わgot test on Wednesday にゃ。。。
then just now during MUMI lesson, 私わsearching the D-Boys webby.. lol... then 私わrealised that 鈴木is 5 years older than us にゃ!! 五年!! that makes him 二十三 this year!! and there's a guy in D-boys is born on the same year as 私!! lol... and せいいみ and かる la... it's the guy who is doing テニミュ の 菊丸 ね! Also, the guy who's doing as海棠 in テニミュ!
lol... 私わgoing to study for VEFX にゃ。。。 haiz.... a lot of work にゃ。。。