nya nya...
still uploading the pictures...
actually quite lazy busy to do now; cos must concentrate with FYP first.
going to end soon.
i'll just briefly talk about cosfest day 2.
it's fun and tiring...
cos so many people came and asked for photos..
in the end.. i hardly touched my lovely camera to take photos that i wanted.... all i took are all Karu's photos!
am unhappy with it...
cos those who were holding on to the camera didn't help me take this!
Puri Puri!!!
lucky Ash got take their pictures and i took it from him.
posted with permission from Ash and Helen (one of the puri girl/guy)
did a bit of edits to it, myself.
but can't blame those holding on to my cam la...
cos they can't find them...
one thing that i can't take it off my mind....
Seimi, , after taking photo with the chicken little...
I had already shut my cam and she suddenly kissed it!!!
missed the most interesting shot ever!
and i screamed so loud that everyone is looking at me... (actually didn't notice anyone looking at me la.. just sure that this is the normal reaction when ppl hear a loud, right?) XD
think ppl think i crazy ready..
actually i was crazy...
after tiring photoshoots...
and over-hyper..
i turned crazy...
conclue for the day:
1. Found new friends! (both Ash and Jen, both guys. XP) oh ya! Mako too (Diana's Jap friend.)
2. Cannot smile cannot smile!! cos i kept smilling while i was in the photoshoot mood... Cos... Fate hardly smile!
3. I will have hard time for the future cosplay.... why? Fate hardly smile, so does Shinku! T.T